The goal of the growing discipline of neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence (AI) is to develop AI systems with more human-like reasoning capabilities by combining symbolic reasoning with connectionist learning. We survey the literature on neuro-symbolic AI during the last two decades, including books...
《A Survey on Neural Speech Synthesis》 和《Survey: Text-to-Speech Synthesis》 这两篇的内容做一个简单的互补,融合在一篇总结里 算了,第二篇懒得整合进来了,凑合看吧 马东什么:Survey: Text-to-Speech Synthesis(补充)3 赞同 · 2 评论文章 What is text to speech(tts) 文本到语音合成是生成与给定输入...
Such systems have shown promise in a range of applications, including computational biology, fault diagnosis, training and assessment in simulators, and software verification. This joint survey reviews the personal ideas and views of several researchers on neural-symbolic learning and reasoning. The ...
arXiv在2019年12月4号上传的关于GNN综述论文“A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks“。 CSDN-专业IT技术社区-登录 摘录最后一段: GNN在计算机视觉中的应用包括场景图生成、点云分类和动作识别。 识别目标之间的语义关系有助于理解视觉场景背后的含义...
Human Evaluation of Creative NLG Systems: An Interdisciplinary Survey on Recent Papers. arXiv 2021 paper bib Mika Hämäläinen, Khalid Al-Najjar Keyphrase Generation: A Multi-Aspect Survey. FRUCT 2019 paper bib Erion Çano, Ondrej Bojar Neural Language Generation: Formulation, Methods, and ...
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS,MAN,AND CYBERNETICSPART C:APPLICATIONS AND REVIEWS,VOL.30,NO.4,NOVEMBER 2000 451Neural Networks for Classification:A SurveyGuoqiang Peter ZhangAbstract Classification is one of the most active research andapplication areas of neural networks.The literature is vast an...
Symbolic, Distributed and Distributional Representations for Natural Language Processing in the Era of Deep Learning: a Survey. Frontiers Robotics AI 2017 paper bib Lorenzo Ferrone, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto Towards a Robust Deep Neural Network in Texts: A Survey. arXiv 2020 paper bib Wenqi Wang, Lin...
In this survey, we provide a comprehensive description of recent neural entity linking (EL) systems. We distill their generic architecture that includes candidate generation, entity ranking, and unlinkable mention prediction components. For each of them, we summarize the prominent methods and models, ...
A Survey on Neural Network Interpretability. 2020 论文地址: A Survey on Neural Network 摘要: 随着深度神经网络的巨大成功,人们也越来越关注它们的黑匣子特性。可解释性问题影响了人们对深度学习系统的信任。它也与许多伦理问题有关,例如算法歧视。此外,可解释性是深度...