不同阶段的data selection目标不同,在预训练时,数据选择的共同目标是通过一系列过滤器删除大量数据。而微调时,选择额外的auxiliary样本,这些样本对目标任务的additional learning signals最有益。在我们的工作中,统一了广泛的数据选择方法,允许我们在2.2节的viewpoint中对比和比较各种方法,并专注于模型预训练。定义了utilit...
文章名称:A Survey on Data Selection for Language Models 文章链接:arxiv.org/pdf/2402.1682 概述 这篇文章主要关注的是数据选择在训练大型语言模型中的重要性。 首先,文章强调了无监督预训练在大型语言模型的成功中起到的关键作用,这种预训练依赖于巨大且不断增长的文本数据集。然而,文章也指出,对所有可用数据进行...
The purpose of this article is to survey the main real-time streaming data processing algorithms and techniques for extracting knowledge from large-scale wireless network monitoring, the so-called Wi-Fi Analytics. The contributions of this article are the following:(i)present an insightful overview ...
Therefore, this survey focuses on Data-Driven Scenario Generation (DDSG). Data-driven scenario generation for AV testing has become a hot topic, and much progress has been made. It would be helpful for researchers and engineers to read surveys summarizing critical points of relevant studies, ...
A Survey on Efficient Selection of Subset of Feature Technique on HDSS DataFeature subset selection has the main attention of of samples with few feature sets, and a large feature set with the research in the areas for which datasets possess high very small samples [7], [8], [10], [11...
2020年因果推断综述《A Survey on Causal Inference》,文章对因果推理方法进行了全面的回顾,根据传统因果框架所做的三个假设,将这些方法分为两类,对于每个类别,
search techniques for these modalities contain both alphanumeric search techniques for metadata and specialized techniques based on the structure of the data. Thus, to be more general in this survey, we discuss techniques for alphanumeric data. We note two very distinct types of dataset search in...
data hungriness of ML algorithms is unfortunately a topic that has not yet received sufficient attention in the academic research community, nonetheless, it is of big importance and impact. Accordingly, the main aim of this survey is to stimulate research on this topic by providing interested ...
Survey, question, response, and character limitsDynamics 365 Customer Voice has a limit on the number of surveys you can create, number of questions you can add per survey, and number of responses a survey can receive. The limits are:
《A Survey on Causal Inference》,2020年综述文章,ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery From Data(TKDD) 。本文主要按照文章的结构进行阐述,大部分内容和文章一样,但并不是简单翻译,其中补充了部分自己的见解,便于大家理解 。 1、相关性和因果性 "correlation does not imply causation." 相关性并不意味着因果...