是在四个方面的综合的survey 提出了开源数据集,讨论了未来方向 原文如下: (1)This article conducts a comprehensive survey on the following four scopes. (2)some useful resources of datasets and open-source libraries, and future research directions are introduced and discussed. 图表及其内容 这一部分主要...
论文题目:A survey on knowledge graphs: representation, acquisition and applications 下载地址: https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.00388这篇最新的图谱综述,主要的贡献是对近期前沿的图谱研究工作有一个全局性的…
Deep Learning on Graphs: A Survey第五章自动编码论文总结 论文地址:https://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.04202.pdf 最近老师让我们读的一片论文,已经开组会讲完了,我负责的是第五章,图的自动编码,现在再总结一遍,便于后者研读。因为这篇论文是一篇综述,所以里边有些符号,在这个模型里是一个意思,在另一个模型了,符号...
统一的框架 Unified Framework# 大多数的工作都用不同的模型分别制定了知识获取KGC和关系提取,Han等人提出将它们置于同一屋檐下,并提出了一个相互关注的知识图谱和文本信息共享的联合学习框架。 对知识表示和推理的统一理解很少被探索,但是,以一种类似于图网络结构的统一框架的方式进行统一的研究值得探索。 可解释性 I...
Knowledge graphs that represent structural relations between entities have become an increasingly popular research direction towards cognition and human-level intelligence. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review on knowledge graph covering overall research topics about 1) knowledge graph ...
To understand how zero-knowledge authentication works in IoT, we produce a survey on zero-knowledge authentication in privacy-preserving IoT in the paper. First, we overview the IoT architecture and privacy, including security challenges and open question in different IoT layers. Next, we overview ...
Qualtrics Survey— Create professional forms & survey using this first class tool. 50+ expert-designed survey templates. Free Account has a limit of 1 active survey, 100 responses/survey & 8 response types. Screeb - In-app surveys and product analytics for decoding user behavior. Forever free...
【论文翻译 AAAI 2020 | 知识图谱综述】A Survey on Knowledge Graphs: Representation, Acquisition and Applications,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Alliances in graphs: Parameters, properties and applications—A surveydoi:10.1016/J.AKCEJ.2017.05.002Kahina OuazineHachem SlimaniAbdelkamel TariElsevier
Continual Learning on Graphs: Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities 2024 Arxiv Continual Learning on Graphs: A Survey 2024 Arxiv Continual Learning for Large Language Models: A Survey 2024 Arxiv Continual Learning with Pre-Trained Models: A Survey 2024 IJCAI A Survey on Few-Shot Class-Increment...