即刻调用文心一言能力 开通百度智能云千帆大模型平台服务自动获取1000000+免费tokens 立即体验 大语言模型(Large Language Models,LLM)是自然语言处理领域中的一种重要技术,其通过使用大量的参数和数据来训练模型,以实现更准确、更灵活的语言处理任务。本文将概述大语言模型的研究进展和核心技术,并介绍一些最新的研究进展。...
adapter tuning在LLM中插入adapter,其首先将原始特征向量压缩到一个较小的维度,随后进行非线性变换,然后将其恢复到原始维度。如下图所示,其中m<<d。其余LLM的参数将被冻结,而adapter的参数是可训练的。 3.5 Prefix Tuning 在LLM中每个transformer的输入都增加可训练的prefix token vector,LLM的其他部分冻结。 3.6 Pro...
A Survey of Large Language Models 这篇原综述论文很长,总共有60页、参考文献400多篇。耗时一周整理,这里主要提取其有“意义“的地方出来进行分享学习(删除一些为了发表论文而“不得不“添加一系列冗余)。 综述…
背景:OpenAI最近放出了Devday的闭门会视频,其中"A Survey of Techniques for Maximizing LLM Performance"(精进大型语言模型性能的各种技巧)是非常有价值的,本文对这次分享做摘要。 视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahnGLM-RC1Y&ab_channel=OpenAI 一、LLM的优化不是线性的 误区:线性的尝试多种优化策略 ...
随着人工智能技术的飞速发展,大语言模型(Large Language Models,简称LLMs)已成为近年来最引人瞩目的技术之一。本文旨在通过翻译与解读《A Survey of Large Language Models》这篇综述文章,为读者揭示LLMs的内在机制、发展历程以及所面临的挑战,并探讨它们在现代计算领域中的广泛应用。 首先,我们需要了解LLMs背后的核心...
A Survey of LLM Surveys Large language models (LLMs) are making sweeping advances across many fields of artificial intelligence. As a result, research interest and progress in LLMs have exploded. There are now hundreds of research papers on LLMs published in various conferences or posted to ope...
我们彻底梳理了文献,并总结了LLM的关键发现、技术和方法。为此,我们还创建了一个GitHub项目网站,收集了LLM的支持资源,链接为https://github.com/RUCAIBox/LLMSurvey。我们也注意到了几篇关于PLM或LLM的相关综述文章[32, 36, 38, 39, 43, 48-54]。这些论文要么讨论PLM,要么讨论LLM的某些特定(或一般)方面。与...
of tasks. Notably, LLM-based multi-agent systems (MAS) are considered a promising pathway towards realizing general artificial intelligence that is equivalent to or surpasses human-level intelligence. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of these studies, offering a systematic review of ...
First, LLMs display somesurprising emergent abilitiesthat may not be observed in previous smaller PLMs. These abilities are key to the performance of language models on complex tasks, making AI algorithms unprecedently powerful and effective.
LLMs have gotten attention across various research domains due to their exceptional performance on a wide range of complex tasks. Therefore, refined methods to evaluate the capabilities of LLMs are needed to determine the tasks and responsibility they should undertake. Our study mainly discussed how...