A Survey of Large Language Models 这篇原综述论文很长,总共有60页、参考文献400多篇。耗时一周整理,这里主要提取其有“意义“的地方出来进行分享学习(删除一些为了发表论文而“不得不“添加一系列冗余)。 综述…
续费VIP 立即续费VIP 会员中心 VIP福利社 VIP免费专区 VIP专属特权 客户端 登录 百度文库 其他 a survey of large language models 中文a survey of large language models中文是:大型语言模型综述 ©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
Efficient sequence packing without crosscontamination: Accelerating large language models without impacting performance Wizardlm: Empowering large language models to follow complex instructions “Improving alignment of dialogue agents via targeted human judgements:人类标签者通常以粗粒度的方式评估模型生成的输出(即...
测试模型视频数据性能 当前大语言模型 (Large Language Models, LLMs) 如 GPT4 在遵循给定图像的开放式指令方面表现出了出色的多模态能力。然而,这些模型的性能严重依赖于对网络结构、训练数据和训练策略等方案的选择,但这些选择并没有在先前的文献中被广泛讨论。此外,目前也缺乏合适的基准 (benchmarks) 来评估和比...
本文是对《A Survey of Large Language Models》的翻译与解读,重点关注大语言模型(LLMs)的挑战、发展历程及其在现代计算领域的应用。我们将通过四个阶段来探讨LLMs的演进,并讨论它们如何重塑人工智能的未来。
languagemodelsllmssurveylarge综述 1 ASurveyofLargeLanguageModels WayneXinZhao,KunZhou*,JunyiLi*,TianyiTang,XiaoleiWang,YupengHou,YingqianMin,Beichen Zhang,JunjieZhang,ZicanDong,YifanDu,ChenYang,YushuoChen,ZhipengChen,JinhaoJiang, RuiyangRen,YifanLi,XinyuTang,ZikangLiu,PeiyuLiu,Jian-YunNieandJi-RongWen...
Large language models (LLM). 更大规模的PLM,GPT3,PaLM,产生emergent abilities Researchers find that scaling PLM (e.g., scaling model size or data size) often leads to an improved model capacity on downstream tasks (i.e., following the scaling law [30]). ...
原文地址:https://alphahinex.github.io/2023/05/21/a-survey-of-large-language-models/ description: "可作为了解当前大语言模型发展情况的材料进行阅读" date: 2023.05.21 10:34 categories: - Book tags: [Others] keywords: LLM, ICL, CoT, Transformer, RLHF ...
A Survey of Large Language Models 1.导读 讲得通俗易懂,且格局拉满!基本覆盖了自ChatGPT以来的AI比较火的事件,还多次提到强人工智能AGI(人工通用智能)。对近几年的大型语言模型( Large Language Models)进行了详细介绍。非常建议感兴趣大模型和强人工智能的读者阅读!!!
Recently, through the acquisition of vast amounts of Web knowledge, large language models (LLMs) have shown potential in human-level intelligence, leading to a surge in research on LLM-based autonomous agents. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of these studies, delivering a ...