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原文地址:https://alphahinex.github.io/2023/05/21/a-survey-of-large-language-models/ description: "可作为了解当前大语言模型发展情况的材料进行阅读" date: 2023.05.21 10:34 categories: - Book tags: [Others] keywords: LLM, ICL, CoT, Transformer, RLHF ...
(Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities across a wide variety of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks and have attracted attention from multiple domains, including financial services. Despite the extensive research into general-domain LLMs, and their immense potential in fin...
论文链接:[2303.18223] A Survey of Large Language Models 一、前言 1、研究背景 通过在大规模语料库上对Transformer 模型进行预训练,人们提出了预训练语言模型(Pre-training Language Model, PLM),其在解决各种自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing, NLP)任务方面表现出强大的能力。由于研究人员发现扩展模型规模可...
Large language models (LLM). 更大规模的PLM,GPT3,PaLM,产生emergent abilities Researchers find that scaling PLM (e.g., scaling model size or data size) often leads to an improved model capacity on downstream tasks (i.e., following the scaling law [30]). ...
中科大腾讯 -多模态大型语言模型综述 A Survey on Multimodal Large Language Models 热度: 1 ASurveyofLargeLanguageModels WayneXinZhao,KunZhou*,JunyiLi*,TianyiTang,XiaoleiWang,YupengHou,YingqianMin,Beichen Zhang,JunjieZhang,ZicanDong,YifanDu,ChenYang,YushuoChen,ZhipengChen,JinhaoJiang, ...
[CL] A Survey of Large Language Models in Medicine: Principles, Applications, and Challenges O网页链接 医学中的大型语言模型(LLM)在人类语言理解和生成方面表现出色,因此在医学中应用LLM来辅助医生和患者护理成为一个有前景的研究方向。这篇综述总结了LLM在医学中的原则、应用和挑战,试图回答以下问题:1)如何构...
0x1:Large Language Models 语言模型(Language Models, LMs)是具有理解和生成人类语言能力的计算模型。LMs具有预测词序列的概率或根据给定输入生成新文本的能力。 N-gram模型是LMs中最常见的类型,它基于前文环境来估计下一词的概率。 然而,LMs也面临着一些挑战,例如罕见或未见词的问题、过拟合问题以及捕捉复杂语言现象...
large language models (LLM) for the PLMs of significant size (e.g., containing tens or hundreds of billions of parameters). Recently, the research on LLMs has been largely advanced by both academia and industry, and a remarkable progress is the launch of ChatGPT (a powerful AI chatbot ...