drivingautonomousdeeplearningsurveybrasov ASurveyofDeepLearningTechniquesforAutonomousDrivingSorinGrigorescu∗ArtificialIntelligence,ElektrobitAutomotive.Robotics,VisionandControlLab,TransilvaniaUniversityofBrasov.Brasov,RomaniaSorin.Grigorescu@elektrobitBogdanTrasneaArtificialIntelligence,ElektrobitAutomotive.Robotics,Vision...
As the data keeps getting bigger, deep learning is coming to play a key role in providing big data predictive analytics solutions. This paper presents a brief overview of deep learning, techniques, current research efforts and the challenges involved in it.V. Pream Sudha...
论文:A Survey on Deep Learning Techniques for Stereo-based Depth Estimation(基于立体深度估计的深度学习技术综述)论文地址:ieeexplore.ieee.org/abs paper AbstractEstimating depth from RGB images is a long-standing ill-posed problem, which has been explored for decades by the computer vision, graphics,...
The rapid advances in Deep Learning (DL) techniques have enabled rapid detection, localisation, and recognition of objects from images or videos. DL techniques are now being used in many applications related to agriculture and farming. Automatic detection and classification of weeds can play an impor...
A Survey on Deep Learning: Algorithms, Techniques, and Applications 成员: 惠州学院大二在校生-庄思杰 惠州学院大三在校生-邹旭智 导师:罗除 Abstract 随着深度学习逐渐成为该领域的领导者,机器学习领域正在见证它的黄金时代。深度学习使用多层来表示数据的抽象,以建立计算模型。一些关键的使能深度学习算法,如生成对抗...
具体参看Computer vision and deep learning techniques for pedestrian detection and tracking: A survey 异常检测 不关注~ 遥感目标检测 具体参看A survey on object detection in optical re- mote sensing images,以及 其他的领域包括: 车牌识别、自动驾驶、交通信号识别、CAD系统、青光眼检测、神经突触检测、皮肤损...
recognition in mobile communication network based on deep learning,” in Signal and Information Processing, Networking and Computers, vol. 494 of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, pp. 296–306, Springer, Singapore, 2019. [12] J. Schmidhuber, “Deep learning in neural networks: an ...
learningdeepalgorithmsapplicationssurveytechniques 92 ASurveyonDeepLearning:Algorithms,Techniques, andApplications SAMIRA POUYANFAR, FloridaInternational UniversitySAAD SADIQ and YILIN YAN, UniversityofMiamiHAIMAN TIAN, Florida InternationalUniversityYUDONG TAO, Universityof Miami MARIA PRESA REYES, FloridaInternational...
深度学习(deeplearning)综述及算法简介(Asurveyofdepth learning(deeplearning)andalgorithms) Thisarticleistranslatedfromthedeeplearningwebsite,which mainlysummarizessomepapersandalgorithms. Introduction:neuralnetworks(Neural,Network)andsupport vectormachines(Support,Vector,Machines,SVM)are representativemethodsofstatistical...
A Survey of Deep Learning Techniques for Neural Machine Translation. arXiv 2020 paper bib Shuoheng Yang, Yuxin Wang, Xiaowen Chu A Survey of Domain Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation. COLING 2018 paper bib Chenhui Chu, Rui Wang A Survey of Methods to Leverage Monolingual Data in Low-re...