DeepSurf A surface-based deep learning approach for the prediction of ligand binding sites on proteins ( Setup Experiments were conducted on an Ubuntu 18.04 machine with Python 3.6.9 and CUDA 10.0 ...
接着,使用surface-based CRF将置信图集成起来,用来对整个场景打标签。[210]引入了Synchronized Spectral CNN(SyncSpecCNN),在不规则非同构形状图上实现卷积。 [211]通过引入Shape Fully Convolutional Networks(SFCN),在3D网格上实现了形状分割,并且将三种低层次的几何特征作为输入。接着利用基于投票的多标签graph cut...
[209]将FCN与surface-based CRF组合,实现端到端的3D 零件分割。他们首先从不同的视角产生图像来实现optimal surface coverage,并将这些图片送入至2D网络产生置信 图。接着,使用surface-based CRF将置信图集成起来,用来对整个场景打标签。[210]引入了Synchronized Spectral CNN(SyncSpecCNN),在不规则非同构形状图上实...
1 Node Representation Learning 1.1 Unsupervised Node Representation Learning 1.2 Node Representation Learning in Heterogeneous Graphs 1.3 Node Representation Learning in Dynamic Graphs 2 Knowledge Graph Embedding 3 Graph Neural Networks 4 Applications of Graph Deep Learning 4.1 Natural Language Processing 4.2 ...
A machine vision-based surface quality inspection system is usually composed of two processes: image acquisition and automatic defect detection. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based approach for the defect detection of Copper Clad Laminate (CCL) images acquired from an industrial CCL ...
In recent years, broad evaluations of higher education in several countries have called for a greater degree of deep learning (i.e. learning with understanding) relative to surface learning (i.e. rote learning). These concepts, having been developed in the 1970s and 1980s, are now well esta...
(IAPs), which describe the potential energy surface of atoms, are a fundamental input for atomistic simulations. However, existing IAPs are either fitted to narrow chemistries or too inaccurate for general applications. Here we report a universal IAP for materials based on graph neural networks ...
Cell segmentation plays a crucial role in understanding, diagnosing, and treating diseases. Despite the recent success of deep learning-based cell segmentation methods, it remains challenging to accurately segment densely packed cells in 3D cell membrane
2024 AAAI Frequency Domain Frequency-Aware Deepfake Detection: Improving Generalizability through Frequency Space Domain Learning Code 2024 AAAI Space Domain Exposing the Deception: Uncovering More Forgery Clues for Deepfake Detection Code 2024 WACV Space Domain Deepfake Detection by Exploiting Surface Anomalies...
We use Deeplabv3+ with MobileNetv2 backbone as the main model structure, additionly, some simple yet effective modifications are designed for improving the satellite image-based surface water mapping. -- DataSet Surface water dataset for Deep learning could be downloaded from Zenodo [Link]. Labeling...