the sun is also a star'The sun is also a star' 是一个陈述句,意思是“太阳也是一颗恒星”。 太阳的基本特性和定义 太阳,作为我们太阳系的中心恒星,拥有着无与伦比的重要性和影响力。它不仅是地球上生命存在的基础,还为整个太阳系提供了光和热。太阳的基本特性包括...
《太阳也是星星 英文原版 The Sun is also a Star 太阳同时也是晨星 英文版 青春与爱情小说 美国国家图书奖 普林兹奖》,作者:太阳也是星星 英文原版 The Sun is also a Star 太阳同时也是晨星 英文版 青春与爱情小说 美国国家图书奖 普林兹奖Nicola Yoon 著,出版社:Corgi
The Sun Is Also A Star Dont let your pride get the better of you. Human beings are not reasonable cre... chhyx2008 2020-02-16 22:21:38 Time and Distance He said that love and dark matter were the same—the only thing that kept the ... 查看更多读书笔记喜欢这本书的人也喜欢 打开...
The Sun Is Also a Star的创作者 ··· 妮古拉·尹 作者 作者简介 ··· 妮古拉·尹(Nicola Yoon) 《纽约时报》畅销书作家,美籍牙买加人,业余首饰匠人。 妮古拉·尹相信爱是一切的答案,浪漫到无可救药。她熟知心动的眼神,擅长不同表达爱意的方式,拥抱所有爱情的模样。她根据自己真实经历写下了《你的...
The sun is also a star. 它是最重要的恒星 Just 'cause it's the most important star 并不意味它富有诗意 doesn't make it poetic. 太阳是个仁慈的恒星 The sun is a benevolent star. 一个给予者 A giver. 它代表着无限希望 It's our greatest symbol of hope. 这就够值得去描写了 That's worth...
【现货 快速发货】太阳也是星星英文原版小说 The Sun is also a Star 太阳同时也是晨星 Everything Everything 电影原著 英文9780552574242诚研图书专营店 登录查看更多图片 > 【现货 快速发货】太阳也是星星英文原版小说 The Sun ... 京东价 ¥ 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 加入购物车 ...
The Sun Is Also a Star 星级: 166 页 The Sun Is also a Star《太阳也是星星》电影完整中英文对照剧本 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: 卡尔·萨根曾经说过 Carl Sagan once said that human beings 人类就像蝴蝶 飞舞的时间短暂 are like butterflies who flutter for a day 却认为那就是永远 and think it...
The Sun Is Also a Star: Directed by Ry Russo-Young. With Yara Shahidi, Anais Lee, Charles Melton, John Leguizamo. A hopeless romantic ambivalent about his future in medical school falls for a hard-luck young woman who doesn't believe in love.
Which one will come true?莱·拉索-扬(《忽然七日》《诸事不顺》)将执导新片《太阳也是星星》(The Sun Is Also a Star),雅拉·莎希迪(《喜新不厌旧》《特工绍特》)主演。根据Nicola Yoon所著同名畅销小说改编,影片讲述生活在纽约的女孩Natasha在家庭被驱逐出境、回到家乡牙买加的前夕恋爱了,她的实用主义将...
The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon A story of love and choices, this incredible novel examines the complexity of the universe and the lives of two teens — immigrant (移民) and child of immigrants, both American. —Jocelyn’s review...