A subduction zone is a collision between two of Earth's tectonic plates, where one plate sinks into the mantle underneath the other plate.
A 2-D finite-element-method (FEM) numerical experiment of earthquake cycles at a subduction zone is performed to investigate the effect of viscoelasticity of the earth on great interplate earthquake fault slip. We construct a 2-D viscoelastic FEM model of northeast Japan, which consists of an ...
IF you don’t know anything about plate tectonics you might be wondering about what is a subduction zone. A subduction zone is a region of the Earth’s crust where tectonic plates meet. Tectonic plates are massive pieces of the Earth’s crust that interact with each other. The places where...
1b. Full size imageAlthough no proximal subduction zone is present to provide slab-derived materials, the Arctic has been surrounded by subduction zones during the past 200 Myr, for example, Mogol-Okhotsk Plate from >200–150 Ma20, Farallon Plate from 200 to 100 Ma20...
Oxidising nature of the metasomatizing fluids typical of subduction zone settings (Malaspina et al. 2009; Malaspina and Tumiati 2012; Cannaò and Malaspina 2018; Tumiati and Malaspina 2019) is responsible for mobilisation of carbon as liquid carbonate (e.g. Tumiati and Malaspina 2019; Stagno ...
A plausible explanation for these relationships is that an easterly dipping subduction zone formed the Ammonoosuc Volcanics in the Tetagoughe–Exploits oceanic tract, just east of the coeval Popelogan arc. With the closure of the Iapetus Ocean, this terrane was thrust over the Laurentian margin. ...
microcontinents that are drifting towards a subduction zone, which distinguishes the deformation from post-collisional extension on the overriding plate, as is traditionally postulated. The results show that the magnitude of pre-collisional extension is inversely correlated with the size of the micro...
2.3. SOC passing through subduction-zone dehydration has elemental systematics not suitable as source for OIB The widely accepted standard model states that the island arc basalts (IAB) result from subducting slab dehydration induced mantle wedge melting. That is, water transferred from the subducting...
“The work shows that there may, instead, be multiple scenarios driving subduction initiation,” said Fabio Crameri, a Swiss geophysicist who wrote a Nature Geoscience commentary accompanying the study. “Even if the same scenario isn’t true for every subduction zone, their model challenges our ...
The predominance of magnesite in the studied serpentinites also indicates a paleo-subduction zone origin66 as magnesite is rarely found in carbonate-related ultramafic rocks in normal oceanic settings66. Magnesite can be formed directly from (1) olivine or orthopyroxene-dominated ultramafic rocks (i...