AStoryofanHourKateChopin AuthorKateChopin,born?KatherineOFlaherty?(February8,1850—August22,1904),wasanAmericanauthorof?shortstories?andnovels.Sheisnowconsideredbysometohavebeenaforerunnerof?feminist?authorsofthe20thcentury.From1892to1895,shewroteshortstoriesforbothchildrenandadultswhichwerepublishedinsuch...
a story of an hour The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband’s death. It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentences, veiled ...
A-Story-of-an-HourPPT课件 AStoryofanHour KateChopin - 1 Author KateChopin,bornKatherineO'Flaherty(February8,1850—August22,1904),wasanAmericanauthorofshortstoriesandnovels.Sheisnowconsideredbysometohavebeenaforerunneroffeministauthorsofthe20thcentury.From1892to1895,shewroteshortstoriesforbothchildrenand...
这篇短文是美国作家凯特·肖邦(Kate Chopin)写于1894年。美国女权运动第一阶段,也就是萌芽期是从18世纪末至20世纪20年代。Lz感受一下。
Kate Chopin's The Story of an Hour (1894) rehabilitates the female identity through the female character's struggle with strict social and traditional structures. Chopin portraits her feminist view in The Story of an Hour and uses her own inspiration for surviving normal life in the mind of ...
AStoryofanHour KateChopin 2020-3-122 KateChopin,bornKatherine O'Flaherty(February8,1850—August22,1904), wasanAmericanauthorofshortstoriesandnovels. Sheisnowconsideredbysometohavebeena forerunneroffeministauthorsofthe20thcentury. From1892to1895,shewroteshortstoriesforboth childrenandadultswhichwerepublished...
storyhourmallardmrshusbandchopin 系统标签: storyhourmallardmrshusbandchopin Introduction:KateChopin,anAmericanauthorofshortshoies,wasregardedasaforgottenvoiceuntiltheFeministMovementrosetoanotherclimaxinthe1950s.Becauseofherexposuretowomen‘spursuitofmentalfreedomandemotionalindependenceintheUSA,Katenowisconsideredasafor...
Kate Chopin just used one thousand words to describe a story of an hour; however we can see the tragic life of the heroine from just an hour. In addition, we can see that women had little privilege and freedom and all of them suffered a lot. It greatly inspired the champion of women...
the story of an hour原文及翻译如下:Knowina that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble areat care was taken to break to her as gentlv aspossible the news of her husband's death.It was her sister Josephine who told her in broken sentences; veiled hinits that ...
“The Story of an Hour”is a short story written by Kate ChopininLouisiana1894, it is considered asan outstanding work offeminist literature.In this story, thethemeof theawakeningand struggleof women’s self-consciousnessis throughout the entire essaybythe useof multiple rhetorical devices. In th...