Analysis: Writing a State of the Union addressNEAL CONAN
The president's first address is not a State of the Union address -- it's simply an address before a joint session of Congress. In that first speech, presidents lay out the goals for their administrations. Some data points The House of Representatives also has some interesting notes on the...
Former speechwriters for Presidents Biden and Clinton and share more on their process ahead of the State of the Union address.
When Cindi Bigelow, the CEO of Bigelow Tea, got the call from Rep. Jim Himes, D-Connecticut, asking her to attend President Trump's first State of the Union Address as his guest, she said it was a call you just don't turn down. "It's a once in a lifetime offer," ...
the former Soviet Union 前苏维埃联邦 the European Union 欧洲联盟 4.Union [ sing. ] the US (used especially at the time of the Civil War) (尤指内战时期的)美利坚合众国,美国,联邦 the Union and the Confederacy 合众国与南部邦联 the State of the Union address by the President 美国总统向国会...
Text of President Barack Obama's State of the union address Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, my fellow Americans: 议长先生,副总统先生,国会议员们,美国同胞们: Today in America, a teacher spent extra time with a student who needed it, and did her part to lift America...
Joe Biden has said the Russian president must "pay a price" for his invasion of Ukraine Mr Biden was speaking during his State Of The Union address on Tuesday evening - almost a week after Vladimir Putin ordered his troops into Ukraine. ...
In the State of the Union Address President Obama announced his plan for a $1 billion investment to build a National Network for Manufacturing Innovation composed of fifteen advanced manufacturing hubs. To bring manufacturing back to the U.S. we don't need fifteen hubs, we need fifteen million...
Mr. Speaker, Vice President Cheney, members of Congress, distinguished citizens and fellow citizens: Every year, by law and by custom, we meet here to consider the state of the union. This year, we gather in this chamber deeply aware of decisive days that lie ahead. ...
Mr. Clinton sounded the protectionist battle cry in his January State of the Union address, where he vowed to fight for a freer and fairer trading system for 21st century America. In the case of agriculture, when the respective lobbies on both sides of the Atlantic enter the fray, that ...