所以,它一次又一次地尝试,尝试的时间为5分钟。 进入系统后修改文件/etc/systemd/system/network-online.target.wants/networking.service 命令:sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/network-online.target.wants/networking.service 将里面的TimeoutStartSec=5min修改为TimeoutStartSec=2sec 然后重启系统,就可以生效了,开机速度...
A start job is running for Raise network interface(5min 13s )问题解决方法 命令:sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/network-online.target.wants/networking.service 将里面的TimeoutStartSec=5min 修改为TimeoutStartSec=2sec 然后重启系统,就可以生效了,开机速度很快...
按照过往的经验,这台 VPS 重启只需要十几秒就能通过 SSH 连上去,但这一次却等了一两分钟还是没有响应。我连上 VPS 的控制台看是什么情况,发现它卡在A start job is running for raise network interfaces(5min 1s) 这是似乎是网络连接的配置问题。 解决方案 修改超时时间 我一开始等了五分钟,就等到它超时...
Linux网卡启动报错Job for network.service failed处理方法 在克隆centos 修改静态IP地址之后,重启网络系统(命令:service network restart 或systemctl restart network.service)报错:job for network.service failed 如下截图 这是由于cat/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/i......
a start job is running for Raise network interface (5min 3s) Maybe it is a workaround but I could reduce the boot up time following the answer athttps://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2323253, i.e. by editing the file: sudo vim/etc/systemd/system/network-online.targets.wants/netwo...
a start job is running for Raise network interface (5min 3s) Maybe it is a workaround but I could reduce the boot up time following the answer athttps://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2323253, i.e. by editing the file: sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/network-online.targets.wants/net...
The "vagrant up" command times out waiting for the machine to boot. The machine does eventually boot, but it spends the full 5 minutes and 4 seconds waiting for "A start job is running for Raise network interfaces". Interestingly, if I boot the machine from virtualbox rather than running...
Ubuntu 10.04 安装在 VMware Workstation 7 后,键盘无法输入的问题的解决方法Ubuntu应用 在Vmware 7 下装载的最新Ubuntu10.04镜像会出现无法识别键盘输入。在登录画面时,不能输入密码,无法正常进入系统解决办法: 方案一: (1) 开户屏幕键盘...
A start job is running for Raise network interface(5min 13s )问题解决方法 2018-03-10 07:00 −... pipci 0 10533 Error running 'xxx': Command line is too long. Shorten command line for xxx 2019-12-19 10:55 −跑单元测试时,报错如下: Error running 'xxx': Command line is too lon...
A start job is running for Raise network interfaces 我去,出这个错误了,难道是vmware出错了? 系统是ubuntu17.04 server版本,之前好好的,突然出这个了。然后网卡起不来!!!