Research Entities指A*STAR管理下的位于新加坡的各个研究院/中心/实验室。他们由两大理事会监管--生物医学研究理事会Biomedical Research Council (BMRC), 和 科学与工程研究委员会Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC)。 A*STAR的研发工程师或者科学家(后统称研究员)往往都会被部署到一个或者多个Research ...
其中Research Entities又分为两大理事会:生物医学研究理事会Biomedical Research Council (BMRC), 和科学与工程研究委员会Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC),它们负责管理A*STAR下设的各个研究院/中心/实验室。 本次实践过程中,支队结合实践主...
Key research topics and activities in our catalysis & Green Process Engineering Division will be discussed. 个人简介 Dr. Lili Zhang is Director of the Catalysis & Green Process Engineering at A*STAR’s Institute of Sustainability...
A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research) is a leading public sector agency in Singapore dedicated to advancing scientific discovery and technological innovation. Its research spans a wide range of fields, including biomedical sciences, physical sciences, and engineering. ASTAR plays a cruci...
近日,新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)Tong-De Tan,Ming Joo Koh等, 美国 耶鲁大学(Yale University)Patrick L. Holland, 新加坡科技研究局(Agency for Science, Technology and Research ,A*STAR)高性能计算研究所Xinglong Zhang,在Nature Catalysis上发文,报道了使用简单(三联吡啶)铁催化...
奖学金方面,A*STAR提供给不同求学阶段的奖学金,包括本科、硕士和博士阶段,以及研究实习生项目。奖学金种类丰富,涵盖National Science Scholarship、Singapore International Pre-Graduate Award、A*STAR Research Internship Award等,为学生提供全面支持。硕士和博士阶段奖学金条件相似,提供全免学费和生活...
7. 在A*STAR工作的员工被视为新加坡公务员,但有所区别。外国研究人员需遵守特定的工作配额和申请PR政策。8. A*STAR为不同国籍的学生和研究人员提供奖学金、实习、研究资助和工作机会。其奖学金种类繁多,包括National Science Scholarship、Singapore International Pre-Graduate Award、A*STAR Research ...
Pharma Innovation Programme Singapore (PIPS) 新加坡医药创新计划 Singapore Aerospace Programme Office 新加坡航空航天项目办公室 A*STAR的研究员往往都会被部署到一个或者多个Research Entities。Research Entities有自己的funding budgets,可供研究员们开展独立的科研项目。研究员们也可以通过Research Entities,签署与非A*ST...
She received her PhD in Information Science from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Xiuju leads the Maritime AI Research Programme in collaboration with the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), focusing on co-developing AI and digital technologies with industry partners to create a...