近日,新加坡国立大学John Wang院士与A*STAR超算中心Yong-Wei Zhang教授课题组合作,提出一种凝聚态型的框架电解质,成功将分子之间的弱相互作用引进zeolite框架中,在埃级的范围内,研究了溶剂分子和框架的相互作用,以及分子与离子的相互作用,...
John Wang教授同时是Institute of Materials,Minerals and Minino(UK)的Fellow,亚太材料科学院院士,新加坡工程院、 新加坡科学院院士,2020-2023科睿高被引学者。 Zhang Yong-Wei教授是新加坡科技研究局(A*STAR)高性能计算研究所执行副所长,于1992年获得西北工业大学博士学位,先后工作于中科院力学研究所,布朗大学、新加坡...
有没了解新加坡 A Star 的research scientist有在新加坡的朋友吗? 能不能介绍下这个位置的情况,仅仅是类似薄厚的位置吗,还是可以一直renew, 大概的薪水如何? 非常感谢. 回复此楼» 猜你喜欢280求调剂,22自命题(0854)在职考的很差,还能读其他专业吗 已经有3人回复 38岁博士毕业女党员还能从事公务员工作吗 已经...
有在新加坡的朋友吗? 能不能介绍下这个位置的情况,仅仅是类似薄厚的位置吗,还是可以一直renew, 大概的...
吕超,国际光学学会会士(OPTICA Fellow),于1985年在清华大学获得电子工程学士学位,分别于1987年与1990年在英国曼切斯特大学获得工学硕士与博士学位。1991年加入新加坡南洋理工大学历任讲师,高级讲师和副教授。2002-2005年同时任职于新加坡科技局国立...
[2023/08] We would like to express our sincere gratitude toAndreessen Horowitz(a16z) for providing a generous grant to support the open-source development and research of vLLM. [2023/06] We officially released vLLM! FastChat-vLLM integration has poweredLMSYS Vicuna and Chatbot Arenasince mid...
The University of Glamorgan where he leads the Hypermedia Research Unit and is principal investigator on the STAR and STELLAR projectsCeri BindingA research fellow at the University of Glamorgan in the Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences and was responsible for software development on the ...
Zhang, Lili Zhang, LiliProfessor完善纠错 A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research) 登录后才能查看导师的联系方式,马上登录... 研究领域 查看导师新发文章(温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认) Lili Zhang is Division Director of the Emerging Technologies at A*STAR’s ...
[2023/08] We would like to express our sincere gratitude toAndreessen Horowitz(a16z) for providing a generous grant to support the open-source development and research of vLLM. [2023/06] We officially released vLLM! FastChat-vLLM integration has poweredLMSYS Vicuna and Chatbot Arenasince mid...
3. For Post-doc research fellow, we are looking for someone already have several nice publications and from a established institute such as NUS, NTU, etc. 4.We are also hiring software Engineers for another project. 5.For all the applicants, you should have a English level of fluent comm...