A spring is compressed by a certain distance. The elastic force exerted by the spring is: A. Proportional to the compression distance B. Inversely proportional to the compression distance C. Independent of the compression distance D. Zero
An instance of theSpringclass can be visualized as a mechanical spring that provides a corrective force as the spring is compressed or stretched away from its preferred value. This force is modelled as linear function of the distance from the preferred value, but with two different constants --...
Hi, A spring is attached to the load of mass 5 kg and is compressed by 8m. Calculate the force constant of the spring? https://study.com/academy/lesson/hookes-law-the-spring-constant-definition-equation.html Elastic potential energy is the po...
When the spring has to be compressed by applying some force on it then the work done in compressing the spring is stored in the spring as the spring potential energy which depends on the spring constant and the compression of the spring. For the...
A spring is used to launch a250.g block straight up with the spring to attached. The spring is compressed by3.50cm ; the block reaches a maximum height of17.0cm above its starting point. a.What is the spring constant ...
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The utility model discloses a compressed spring type suspension and vehicle and wheeled robot for drive wheel. This compressed spring type suspension includes: the fixed plate, the guide rail, the upper end of guide rail is fixed on the bottom surface of fixed plate, the motor frame, the mot...
10. Agent springboard jump Http (s) agent, SPS agent, intranet penetration, tcp agent support the connection of upstreams through intermediate third-party agents, The parameters are: --jumper, all the formats are as follows: http://username:password@host:port http://host:port https://usernam...
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aA highly compressed spring releases 3 J of elastic potential energy when allowed to expand 0.68 mm, a small fraction of its overall compression. How much force is the spring exerting on its end? 高度压缩的春天发布3 J弹性势能,当允许扩展0.68毫米,它的整体压缩的一个小分数时。 多少力量是施加在...