Davis and Hersh (1981) outlined the “ideal mathematician” as an “impossible pure specimen” (p. 34), not real but still present in the ways we are subjectified by others and subjectify ourselves. As we analysed the disabled student subjectivity, we necessarily formulated an idea of the ...
The second trip was made in October last year. One of the creatures made a dramatic appearance by moving on to the head of the team leader as he slept. The snake has been named silver boa because it is metallic colored and the first specimen found was climbing a silver palm tree. The...
(3M) under dry conditions avoiding elution of any materials from the surface during polishing. A polished surface of each sample was examined first by an optical microscope, and then by a JEOL JSM-7100F SEM equipped with an energy-dispersive spectrometer (AZtec energy) to obtain an overview ...
the specimen. Because the cells are attached to the bottom of the dish, they can be viewed easily from this perspective. Observation should take place with a total magnification of 100 – 200x and phase contrast[1], because most cells are difficult to observe in normal brightfield ...
specimens M2 and M3, magnified 1000 times. The micro-structures of the specimens were remarkably compacted, and the dominant region had no discernible pores. Instead, discrete clusters of flocculent C-S-H were visible and easily distinguished. Additionally, the M3 specimen’s composition had micro...
The idea that poor nutrition stunts growth has led to the idea that good nutrition can be defined in terms of the rate of growth and the size ultimately reached. In medicine, it is common to refer to an obesespecimenas “well nourished,” as if quantity of food and quantity of tissue ...
To obtain spatial transcriptome data, the primary motor cortex (M1C) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) samples were obtained from a healthy adult human brain specimen (female, 73 years old) at the Fudan University Body Donation Receiving Station of Shanghai Red Cross, under the approval from ...
The analysis of each specimen including Back-scattered Electron Detector (BSED) and Energy Dispersiy Spectroscopy (EDS) elemental maps of the boxed area in the corresponding optical photo; specimens are consistently enriched in iron (Fe) due to the replacement of pyrite by iron oxides, but a ...
Suspect phylloxera detected using either of these methods must then be examined by experts in morphological taxonomy, to confirm whether the specimen is phylloxera; a process that is time consuming (up to a week for diagnostics) and costly. Current laboratory methods for molecular identification, ...
Figure 3. Vibration test on one specimen: (a) acceleration at mid-span over time; (b) frequency spectrum of the acceleration. 4. Calculation As described in Section 2, there are different types of models for interconnected timber elements, but they were mainly developed for steel mechanical ...