在IIS中可以直接导入.pfx文件来给站点绑定https协议: 如果在导入.pfx文件时,不选择"Allow this certificate to be exported"的话 那么在绑定IIS站点为https协议时,会报错:"A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated." 但是如果选择"Allow this certificate to be exported",...
I can deploy images using the 2012 server just fine, but whenever I try to capture an image and select UPLOAD, I get the error message "A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated." I cannot upload the image simultaneously....
A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated about_ActiveDirectory_Filter Absolute Newbie Scripting Question Accepting single quote character in powershell script arguement Acces denied export Start Layout Access denied error when executing the Invoke-Command Access ...
A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated. Attempting to rerun wsl now just give the error about logon session: C:\Windows\System32>wsl --install Installing: Windows Subsystem for Linux A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been ...
Then check to make sure that your “Local Security Policy” (under Security Settings – Local Policies – Security Options), “Network access: Do not allow storage of credentials or .NET Passports for network authentication” is Disabled:
An error has occurred for the task <task name>. Error message: The following error was reported: A specified logon session does not exist. It may have already been terminated.. This error came up whether I was logged on as a Local Administrator, Domain Adminis...
Notes: Non-SSO directory users (Active Directory users) will need to be added to the individual SSO Security groups. Group permissions will not propagate to sub-groups when adding non-SSO users to SSO Security groups. The use of User Groups is not supported with vCenter Single Sign-On Secur...
SrcUserSessionId string 源用户登录会话的唯一 ID。 SrcUserType string 源用户的类型。 _SubscriptionId 字符串 与记录关联的订阅的唯一标识符 TenantId string Log Analytics 工作区 ID ThreatCategory string 如果DNS 事件源还提供 DNS 安全性,它还可以评估 DNS 事件。 例如,它可以在威胁情报数据库中搜索 IP 地...
If you use the Add Printer Wizard to try to install the printer on a Windows Server 2003-based client, you receive the following error message when you click Finish to complete the printer installation: Unable to Install Printer. The printer driver is not compatible with a policy enabled on ...
What do I do if the error message "The connection was denied because the user account is not authorized for remote login" appears when I connect to a Windows instance by using Remote Desktop? What do I do if the error message "No Remote Desktop license server is specif...