The story of A Song of Ice and Fire takes place in a fictional world, primarily upon a continent called Westeros but also on a large landmass to the east, known as Essos. Most of the characters are human but as the series progresses other races are introduced, such as the cold and me...
国法家法(The Laws of Gods and Men)[1],是HBO出品的中世纪奇幻诗史美剧权力的游戏第四季第六集, 总播放集数第三十六集。本集由Bryan Cogman所著, 并由Alik Sakharov执导,于2014年5月11日首播。 史坦尼斯与戴佛斯怀揣新的战术起航;丹妮莉丝与请愿者们见面;提利昂与泰温在王座对质。
"凡人皆有一死"(Valar Morghulis) 是HBO出品的中世纪奇幻诗史美剧权力的游戏第二季第十集。本集由David Benioff和D. B. Weiss联合编剧和创作,由Alan Taylor执导,这是他本季第四次执导该剧。 本集全场70分钟。[1] ,首播时间为美国东海岸时间的2012年6月3日。
还没人写过短评呢 我要写书评 A Song of Ice and Fire - Ruling Houses的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言 + 加入购书单 谁读这本书? ··· > 1人读过 二手市场 ··· 在豆瓣转让 手里有一本闲着? 订阅关于A Song of Ice and Fire - Ruling Houses...|基于305个网页 3. 冰与火之歌第一部 重要讯息 ...冰与火之歌第一部:权力游戏 (上下册套书)A Game of Thrones:Book One of A Song of Ice & Fire 爆漫王 BAKUMA…|基于220个网页 更多释义
A Court of Thorns and Roses • A Song of Ice and Fire • All Souls Trilogy • Beyonders • The Black Company • The Brotherband Chronicles - Ranger's Apprentice - Royal Ranger • The Dark Tower • Deltora Quest • Discworld • The Dragonriders of Pern • The Dresden Fil...
◆FANY◆【下载】Fly To The Sky [2002] 3辑 - Sea Of Love #第三张专辑: 专辑名称:SEA OF LOVE 发行公司:SM 发行曰期:2002年04月01曰 专辑简介: 韩国R&B HIP HOP二人组合fly to the sky,经 分享3赞 顾城以北吧 往矣然子不嗣音 A Song of Ice and FireNight gathers, and now my watch ...
Loosely inspired by the Aladdin folk tale, Howard Ashman's 1988 treatment for an animated adaptation of Aladdin included a shallow, spoiled, and materialistic princess named Jasmine, whose "brattiness" served as comic relief in the story. Her personality was fleshed out in the song "Call Me A...
many of which have audiobooks or free recorded readings available. There are a lot of stories, but (aside fromDying of the Light) they are all short stories and novellas, making them very quick reads. My favorites are probablyIn the House of the Worm,A Song for Lya, andThe Stone City...