The distortion is given by d1(0, 0) = −32(1 − 3Γ/κ)/Γ3. The physics of two-photon scattering is richer, as the energy of the individual photons is not necessarily conserved, which leads to photon correlations. The two-photon scattering matrix has previously been ...
Since liquid biopsy is minimally invasive it can be used for longitudinal studies in healthy volunteers to monitor events of progression from normal tissue to pre-cancerous and cancerous condition. Yet, cell-free DNA (cfDNA) analysis in healthy individuals comes with substantial challenges such as ...
Chromatin remodeling is a process using the energy of ATP hydrolysis to destabilize, move, or restructure nucleosomes. Chromatin remodeling complexes contain four different families, SWI/SNF, ISWI, CHD, and INO80, but share a relatively conserved ATPase domain. The result of their actions on nucle...
v2 branch is a copy of (15/03/2018) that has been changed to work with .NET Framework 2.0 byirsdl. Although this project can be used with applications that use .NET Framework v2.0, it also requires .NET Framework 3.5 to be installed on the target box as the gadgets dep...
INI processor3) CSV reader/writer4) UTF-8encoder/decoder5) zip archive extractor6) JSON encoder/decoder7) random number/strings generator8) native and efficient File IOforWindows and UNIX systems9) many more without the need of any external library to link with.13. PH7isan Open-Source prod...
RAD59, involved in the repair of double-strand breaks in the DNA, has a profile that shows a clear component of feature 2 (labeled asDNA repairby the experts);SNF2, encodes the catalytic subunit of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex, has a high value at feature 4 (labeled as...
Accumulating evidence indicates that exosomes help to regulate bone homeostasis. The roles of bone-derived exosomes have been well-described; however, recent studies have shown that some non-bone-derived exosomes have better bone targeting ability than b
in plants that are deficient for the SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complex[62]. The gene is upregulated when a relevant repressor is mutated, e.g. SUMO E3 ligase SIZ1[63]. We hypothesize that the mutant induces a repressor that acts against the ABA pathway or downregulates an inducer of ...
As a result, a gap opens that is to lowest order given by 4J1(K0). d, Dependence of the exchange energy Jex,res on the modulation amplitude in the near-resonant regime for two different detunings with t/h = 640 Hz and ω/(2π) = 8 kHz (blue, U/h = 6.5...
Machine learning potentials have become an important tool for atomistic simulations in many fields, from chemistry via molecular biology to materials science. Most of the established methods, however, rely on local properties and are thus unable to take