Tonight’s Talk: The compiler and the JVM battle over the question, “Who’s more important?” The Java Virtual Machine The Compiler What, are you kidding? HELLO. I am Java. I’m the guy who actually makes a program run. The compiler just gives you a file. That’s it. Just a fil...
The first guy I dated on Match ended up being one of my longer and more successful relationships (not that it takes much given my track record). The guy I dated just before Wyatt was a match find, and he was definitely a high quality guy – an econ professor with a $300K house in ...
he’s closer in age to them (compared to the usually retired people who lecture) and yet he’s got actual starship experience. Pike takes a liking to Una, despite her being so by-the-book and his realizing ‘the book’ doesn’t have all the answers out in space. 25 years later, ...
There’s also the option of carrying the child to term and giving him or her up for adoption. There are plenty of people in the USA unable to have a child who would be happy to adopt. This has the added benefit of financially supporting the pregnant woman and ensuring the child has a...
Smart Passive Income 46: Say Yes More Often Be impulsive and say yes when someone randomly invites you to meet their family, try a new activity, or explore a place you didn’t know existed. You never know what you’re missing unless you say yes!
The ability to innovate implies flexible cognition, and is used as a broad metric of intelligence. Innovation in birds has been intensively studied in the larger and more taxonomically diverse Neognathae clade (particularly crows and parrots) and overloo
They call it a carousel on Facebook, so we use four or five pictures in this ad that has four or five of our different packs pictured, with male and female, a variety of ages, just randomly, it wasn’t really by design. But we have that carousel running. That’s our highest ...
This simple but very insightful comparison and analogy made me reflect deeply on how human beings interact and leave impressions on each other. Then I started thinking about relationships in general, and all thewonderful girlfriends of mine who are still single, and all thecharming guy friends of...
The Chinese language is one of the six official languages chosen by the United Nations,and UN Chinese Language Day(2)(hold)on April 20 every year.The date was selected from Guyu,(3)is the 6th of 24 solar terms in th...
This simple but very insightful comparison and analogy made me reflect deeply on how human beings interact and leave impressions on each other. Then I started thinking about relationships in general, and all thewonderful girlfriends of mine who are still single, and all thecharming guy friends of...