Jonny Lee Miller (Covenant), Sheldon Shepherd (Better Must Come), and Bel Powley (A Small Light) will also star with Storm Saulter directing. The series is produced by Snowed-In Productions in association with Sky Studios.The series follows Claudia (Mbatha-Raw), an ambitious young bi-racial...
world. The series title comes from something Gies said late in her life: “I don’t like being called a hero because no one should ever think you have to be special to help others. Even an ordinary secretary or a housewife or a teenager can turn on a small light in a dark room....
Season 5 of "Rick and Morty" did not slow down as it studied the toxic sludge that is Rick Sanchez. Despite a lapse in quality during the middle episodes, which had inventive premises that required a little more refinement in the lab, "Rick and Morty" still provided no shortage of shocki...
Light/Dark Mode This template has a built-in light/dark mode. It detects the user preferred color scheme and automatically switches to it. You can also manually switch between light and dark mode by clicking on the sun/moon icon in the top right corner of the page. ...
Recently we reported that long-term exposure to short episodes of high intensity sound stimulation (120 dB, one minute twice a day for 10 days) inhibits the LTP in the Schaffer-CA1 pathway in the hippocampus of rats, but did not affect spatial learning and memory in the Morris Water Maz...
Category Archives:movies China,movies Thoughts on Jia Zhangke’s 24 City 對賈樟柯新電影《24城記》之隨想 movies,Reviews Movies I’m Watching: Jean-Luc Godard’s Band of Outsiders movies,politics,Reviews Movies I’m Watching: The Reader
SVG Library - A small Emacs library to create and display various SVG objects, namely tags, progress bars, progress pies, and icons. Each object is guaranteed to fit nicely in a text buffer ensuring width is an integer multiple of character width.Theme...
MAN: I used to drive a small car like that, but my husband Bill wanted me in something big to be safe from other drivers. PANEL 2 The man clasps his hands excitedly as he thinks of a mini-truck, stars in his eyes. The background is his thought bubble, and in the bubble is an ...
“I remember going inside that cell and how humble I was that this man that was fighting for equality served 18 years in that small, little cell but still kept his mental capacity. It inspired me 100%,” Lamar recalled. “I can’t let these four corners define who I am or who my ...
The small village of Greystone was quiet and predictable, nestled in a valley surrounded by rolling hills. For as long as 18-year-old Claire could remember, nothing ever changed. That was, until the arrival of the mysterious...