▲ a smack of jellyfish / “一巴掌水母” ▲ a tower of giraffes / “一塔长颈鹿” ▲ a parliament of owls / “一议会猫头鹰” 英语中动物集合名词的“怪象”,来源于从中世纪晚期开始英国人热爱狩猎的传统。用不同的集合名词来称呼不同的动物群,本来只是属于狩猎圈内人士的行话。不想在15世纪时,这种圈...
I know I’m not supposed to be posting anything, but my friend Leslie sent me this email and of course it inspired a poem. Here is the list of collective nouns for ocean animals that she sent me. Did you know…. It’s a smack of jellyfish A shiver of sharks A battery of barracud...
a fluther/smack or jellyfish水母 a mob/troop of kangaroos袋鼠 a kindle/litter of kittens小猫 a desert of lapwing田凫 an exaltation/a bevy of larks云雀 a leap/lepe of leopards豹子 a pride/sawt of lions狮子 a tiding of magpies喜鹊 a...
The term “smack of jellyfish” was invented as an informal name to describe the characteristics of this animal. Jellyfish are called a smack because that’s what it feels like when they sting you. They can also cause swelling and red skin, similar to what getting smacked on your hand or...
您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:A group of jellyfish is known as a "smack".翻译: 一群软弱无能的人被称为一个“海洛因”。百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。
Revel in this trove of nine enchantingly fanciful and marine-based collective nouns, including the charmingly named smack of jellyfish.
A HOOVER OF ARMADILLOS ..A GULP OF SWALLOWS A SMACK OF JELLYFISH; ..and Other Amazing Animal Facts You Never KnewSunday Mirror (London, England)
Smack a smattering; a taste; a small quantity. Examples: smack of jellyfish—Lipton, 1970; of knowledge; of my muse, 1766; of every sort of wine, 1759; of wit. Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
A smack is a group of jellyfish. A smack travels on ocean waves. 一群水母聚在了一起就是水母群。水母群随着洋流漂移。 A group of zebras is a herd. Sometimes a herd races together. 一群斑马组成了一个斑马群。斑马群有时候会一起比赛。
A group of jellyfish is called a swarm, smack, or bloom. Check out this article to learn more about jellyfish group names and how they function. Immortal Jellyfish Turritopsis dohrnii-also called the Immortal jellyfish-is a small and transparent jellyfish and can interestingly reverse to earli...