S3396Concurrent Rare Parahiatal Hernia With a Sliding Hiatal Hernia Seen on Esophagogastroduodenoscopy: A Case Reportdoi:10.14309/01.ajg.0001042952.15032.08Aarohi ParikhAnam ZaraIsmail HaderWolters KluwerThe American Journal of Gastroenterology
Congenital „sliding "hiatal hernia is the herniation of the stomach to posterior mediastinum through esophageal hiatus. Hiatal hernia is rarely seen in infancy. The mode of presentation in the...
A hiatal or paraesophageal hernia occurs when the GE junction, the stomach, or other abdominal organs such as the small intestine, colon, or spleen move up into the chest where they do not belong. There are several types of paraesophageal hernias. Type I is a hiatal hernia or slidi...
However, whilst repair of small symptomatic sliding hiatal herniae has been well described and has yielded good outcomes the same cannot be said of large hiatal herniae (LHH). Its rarity and complexity, coupled with suboptimal technical approach that is usually best suited for small defects have...
Then, in 2013, I was diagnosed with a sliding hiatal hernia that at times would cause “heart attack-like symptoms”. My stomach would slide up into that hernia and get stuck. I would then experience excruciating spasms that ended me with the squad being called when I was in Whole Foods...
I was diagnosed with GERD and a sliding Hiatal Hernia years ago that maybe a contributing cause. I was just curious to know if anyone else was experiencing these symptoms after taking this medication. Votes: +0 KA kaapstad1 24 Feb 2021 In July I took a cough and was choking on phlegm...
A hiatal hernia: This affects the top part of the stomach, cutting an opening in the diaphragm. This separates the chest are from the abdomen. This type of a hernia is subdivided into two: sliding and Para-esophageal. A common one among women. ...
Esophageal hernia is defined as a prolapse of all layers of the stomach into the mediastinum. A sliding hiatal hernia also called axial hernia is the most common (95%) one; the para-esophageal hernia (PEH) is rare and accounts only for about 5%. The frequency of coincidental PEH and ...
HIATAL herniaRADIOLOGICAL researchKidney cancer is known for its potential to produce metastases to virtually all organs. We present a 54-year-old male patient who suffered from esophageal metastasis during initially successful sunitinib treatment. The lesion manifested initially as a sl...
Various methods of investigating and treating patients with gastro-oesophageal disorders are described and the rationale of current concepts is outlined. Emphasis is placed throughout on gastro-oesophageal reflux and its sequelae rather than on sliding hiatal hernias. Symptoms of gastro-oesophageal dysfunct...