Of the 143902 characters on Anime Characters Database, 4 are from the anime A Girl & Her Guard Dog.
View all characters Series ID106520 Media TypeAnime TitleIs It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? II English TitleIs It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? II AliasesDanMachi S2 Romaji TitleDungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II (DanMachi II) ...
) will begin interact with you as you build code. MIKU knows when your programs fail to run or tests pass/fail. Your new companion has the ability to react to these events. Which will most likely take the form of an anime meme of your: waifu, husbando, and/or favorite character(s)!
A prominent example of this occurred when Jafar took over Agrabah; when Aladdin tried to steal back the lamp, she took advantage of Jafar's lust for her by seducing him to cover for Aladdin. Another example of her acting skills is when she pretended to be Aladdin's insane sister in ...
Our sister-podcaster Allison Stock of Xena Warrior Business joins us for the promise...of a rose! PLUS: we met our first stretch goal on the Sailor Business Patreon but we still need your support to hit more! Sailor Business R Movie, Part 1: Guy Fiore...
If you haven't seen "Maid", but can enjoy TV when it's rivetingly tense, you need to open your eyes to one of the best shows on Netflix. Alex (Margaret Qualley, in the performance of a lifetime), is trying to escape an emotionally abusive relationship with her husband Sean (Nick ...
“I only heard rumors about an anime adaptation of the Lady in The Sea of Blood but nothing confirmed yet,easiest way to check would be to access Film Corps catalog but since it was a low budget B movie company that no longer exists its almost impossible to do it now unless you ...
If you are aiming for a hand drawn anime, it's pretty bad that todays technology won't be able to do that. But if you widen your scope and be open for new styles to emerge, its pretty impressive what those AIs and filters can do. I think newer technologies shouldn't ...
Our sister-podcaster Allison Stock of Xena Warrior Business joins us for the promise...of a rose! PLUS: we met our first stretch goal on the Sailor Business Patreon but we still need your support to hit more! Sailor Business R Movie, Part 1: Guy Fiore...
Date A Live IV |22 hits ☰ 随机选一个动画 Date A Live (series)|Expand List Share ▼ View all characters Series ID110545 Media Type动画 TitleDate A Live IV English TitleDate A Live IV Aliases Romaji TitleDeeto A Raibu IV Furigana Title ...