Have no words for this guy. joke/meme dumb people among us 4 23 immutable 1861 6y There are 20 of us in the whole team. Each of us are entitled to 1 month of leave/year. Then here's the manager telling us that there should be no overlapping dates of leave vacations. FU!!
No one wants to die alone. Even if this were all there was to “Hope There’s Someone,” it would still be heartbreaking, owing to ANOHNI’s voice, which begins the song as a delicate, quaking vibrato and ends with wordless wails that evoke a soul leaving a body. But “Hope There...
to refer to the combination or collision of two mutually exclusive or antithetical ideologies, registers, concepts within one page or space. no work perhaps better captures this idea of coincidentia oppositorum than reverse joy. through the very simple gesture of a red pigment, the fountain ...