moleculesone-dimensional calculationsoptical modelsprobabilityresonanceWe present the theory of a pair of atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice interacting via a narrow Feshbach resonance. Using a two-channel description of the resonance, we derive analytic results for the scattering states inside ...
Here we report a very pronounced and narrow (25 mG) Feshbach resonance in collisions between two triplet ground-state NaLi molecules. This molecular Feshbach resonance has two special characteristics. First, the collisional loss rate is enhanced by more than two orders of magnitude above the ...
We model combined photoassociation and Feshbach resonances in a Bose-Einstein condensate, where the shared dissociation continuum allows for quantum interference in losses from the condensate, as well as a dispersive-like shift of resonance. A simple analytical model, based on the limit of weakly ...
We show that the photoassociation (PA) rate of ultracold diatomic molecules in the vicinity of a Feshbach resonance could be used to probe variations of the electron-to-proton mass ratio β=me/mp, a quantity related to other fundamental constants via the ΛQCD scale. The PA rate exhibits ...
Production of Feshbach molecules induced by spin-orbit coupling in Fermi gases. Nat. Phys. 10, 110–115 (2014). 8. Cheuk, L. W. et al. Spin-injection spectroscopy of a spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 095302 (2012). 9. Lin, Y.-J., Jiménez-Garca, K. &...
Here pairs of fermionic atoms have some proper- ties of diatomic molecules and some properties of Cooper pairs. I present studies of a normal Fermi gas at a Feshbach resonance and the work required to cool the gas to temperatures where superfluidity in the crossover could be observed. ...
Even though they are charged and have a short (479 ± 3) ps mean lifetime [62], one could use the Doppler shift of the Ps+ Feshbach resonance to measure their emission energy spectra [76,77]. The emission of Ps+ and Ps2 by these means will occur at high positron densities with or...
L.F. Canto, M.S. Hussein,Scattering Theory of Molecules, Atoms and Nuclei(World Scientific Publishing Co, Singapore, 2013) MATHGoogle Scholar H. Feshbach, D.C. Peasly, V.F. Weisskopft, Phys. Rev.71, 145 (1947) ADSGoogle Scholar ...
Key collision integrals emerge that govern the relaxation of the atom–molecule mixture to chemical and thermal equilibrium. Our focus is on the pseudogap regime where molecules form above the superfluid transition temperature. In this regime, we formulate a simple model for the atom–molecule ...
Varying the temperature can hence provide some insight into to the energy dependence of the resonance18,19,20, but by its nature this method is associated with thermal broadening. Measurements in the energy domain have also been achieved by dissociating Feshbach molecules through a fast and non-...