Home Film Reviews Sep 9, 2018 3:00pm PT Film Review: ‘A Simple Favor’ Paul Feig's clever, naughty suburban noir turns mommy blogger Anna Kendrick into a one-woman private eye hunting her missing friend.By Amy Nicholson Plus Icon
A Simple Favor 这部电影是根据达塞·贝尔的同名小说改编的, 整体氛围与同样改编自畅销小说的《消失的爱人》有些相似。 不过,本片在喜闻乐见的夫妻“撕逼”基础上,又增添了塑料姐妹花姬情,显得更为“一地鸡毛”。 除了有比较“硬”的剧情做支撑外,构成“三角关系”的三位主演也颇为可观 一号女主角是好莱坞四小...
“A Simple Favor” is a pretty delicate balancing act. It’s a thriller told with a broad sense of humor (even slapstick at times). One false move could have been deadly, resulting in a film self-serious, or straining to be “relevant,” or—worse—just plain old boring. But “A S...
A Simple Favor: Directed by Paul Feig. With Anna Kendrick, Ian Ho, Joshua Satine, Glenda Braganza. Stephanie is a single mother with a parenting vlog who befriends Emily, a secretive upper-class woman who has a child at the same elementary school. When E
is that the production is entertaining, highly entertaining at that. There are no weak links in the cast from the smallest to the largest roles. The only areas of concern would be the convoluted plot that can become difficult to follow at a few points. Overall,A SIMPLE FAVORgets a 4/5....
Official Site:asimplefavor.movie/ Release Date:September 14, 2018 DVD/Blu-ray Release Date:December 18, 2018 Synopsis: Stephanie is a single mother with a parenting vlog who befriends Emily, a secretive upper-class woman who has a child at the same elementary school. When Emily goes missing...
A Simple Favor September 15, 2018Wylie Writes Staff0 Comments Filed UnderReviews By: Jessica Goddard A movie unafraid to leave your head spinning from the farfetched quantity of twists,A Simple Favoris fun, well-paced, and stylish. Directed by Paul Feig, it balances elements of a mystery/...
A Simple Favorhas been praised by critics for its numerous twists but I personally saw many of them coming way before the reveal. Feig and Sharzer made some changes from the novel, especially the ending. And the ending was utterly terrible, it came across as a farce and a parody as it ...
“A Simple Favor” ’s hollow collection of stylistic elements has an aspirational swing, emphasized by the Franco-pop soundtrack and the alluringly tinted imagery of the end credits (by David Clayton), which sends a viewer home with a sense of ...
《一个小忙》(a simple favor) 图片发自简书App 电影的故事里,一个靠视频直播网红单亲妈妈,与一个事业有成丈夫优秀的神秘女强人,莫名其妙成了朋友。然后朋友之间顺其自然帮个小忙,剧情急转直下,突然惊悚起来,从“女闺蜜日常电影”变成“惊悚悬疑犯罪电影”。