A Simple Favor: Directed by Paul Feig. With Anna Kendrick, Ian Ho, Joshua Satine, Glenda Braganza. Stephanie is a single mother with a parenting vlog who befriends Emily, a secretive upper-class woman who has a child at the same elementary school. When E
又名简单帮个忙 举手之劳 失踪网红(台) 一个小忙 A Simp... 编剧 Darcey Bel...保罗·费格 主演 安娜·肯德里克布蕾克·莱弗利Eric Johnson珍·斯马特莎拉·贝克 剧情 故事讲述讲述一博主史蒂芬娜(安娜·肯德里克饰)偶遇艾米丽(布蕾克·莱弗利饰),两人迅速成为......
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A Simple Favor 預約看片 導演: 保羅費格 主演: 布蕾克萊芙莉 安娜坎卓克 亨利高汀 年份:1080110 片長:117分鐘 分級:輔十二 , 未滿 12 歲不得觀賞 標籤: 網紅 謎團 謊言 尋找 DVD影片 懸疑 閨密 背叛 失蹤 小說改編 部落客 嫉妒 祕密 真相 驚悚片 ...
A Simple Favor 这部电影是根据达塞·贝尔的同名小说改编的, 整体氛围与同样改编自畅销小说的《消失的爱人》有些相似。 不过,本片在喜闻乐见的夫妻“撕逼”基础上,又增添了塑料姐妹花姬情,显得更为“一地鸡毛”。 除了有比较“硬”的剧情做支撑外,构成“三角关系”的三位主演也颇为可观 一号女主角是好莱坞四小...
A SIMPLE FAVOR, a stylish post-modern film noir directed by Paul Feig, centers around Stephanie (Anna Kendrick), a mommy blogger who seeks to uncover the truth behind her best friend Emily's (Blake Lively) sudden disappearance from their small town. Stephanie is joined by Emily's husband ...
“A Simple Favor” is a pretty delicate balancing act. It’s a thriller told with a broad sense of humor (even slapstick at times). One false move could have been deadly, resulting in a film self-serious, or straining to be “relevant,” or—worse—just plain old boring. But “A ...
Official Site:asimplefavor.movie/ Release Date:September 14, 2018 DVD/Blu-ray Release Date:December 18, 2018 Synopsis: Stephanie is a single mother with a parenting vlog who befriends Emily, a secretive upper-class woman who has a child at the same elementary school. When Emily goes missing...
Netflix Regions Regions are unavailable for this movie. Click the "Watch on Netflix" button to find out if A Simple Favor is playing in your country. IMDB Score 6.8/10 Rotten Tomatoes Score 84%