A Silent Voice minimal Mar 19, 2022 500 1RinaK A Silent Voice minimal Rated Anime Reviews Write a Review Support ACDB by visitingour affiliates Crunchyroll store Pimsleur Yesterday 10:51 pm Anonymous Who is this? Replies: 1 Latest Comments:Oliver ...
Website:Koenokatachi-Movie A Silent Voice Status:Completed Published:09.03.2017 Publisher:Anime Limited (UK),Madman Entertainment,Eleven Arts,Purple Plan Pte. Ltd.,Guerrilla Kids International Distribution Syndicate A Silent Voice Status:Completed ...
小程序 游戏 手机应用 将自动采用推荐技术 retro anime 返回主页 历史消息动态搜索公告板动态 retro anime 29 12月 2023 赞助 A Silent Voice (2016). 最新动态: Ситуациякритическая! Grave of the fireflies (1988). Ostanina Ksenia ...
A motif of falling recurs inA Silent Voice, starting with Shoya’s care-free, daredevil plunges into the river in the first chapters. Each subsequent fall is far less pleasant, from Shoya being pushed into the river, to Shoko leaping to rescue her notebook and of course, Shoya’s own d...
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Her eyes are so large they make her face look disproportionately small by comparison. She was bullied her entire childhood for her eyes. They called her Brat, like the knock off barbie doll with huge eyes and drag queen make-up. In her twenties however, Anime hit it big and her eyes be...
Gintama is still running after four years in the Japanese edition of Shonen Jump, source of the most popular anime/manga series, including Dragon Ball Z, Naruto and One Piece, so presumably the manga has some legs. One volume in, the premise is intriguing, but the execution has been a bi...
If you’re missing Kawaii Kon, there’s a virtual anime con, Anime Lockdown, taking place this weekend, with special guests Veronica Taylor (the original English voice of Pokemon’s Ash) and Kyle Hebert.Here’s their programming schedule;here’s a list of panel descriptions. They’ll be ...