A sick - leave note is an important written form when we need to inform others, usually our teachers or employers, that we are unable to attend school or work due to illness. Here is how to write a proper sick - leave note in English. First of all, the date should be clearly writte...
A Sick-leave NoteHow to write a note for sick leave? Here are some points. In the note youhave to write out clearly the date, whom this note is writing to, why you areasking for a leave, how many days you are asking for, and your name, etc.Here is an example for you:Dear ...
Subject: Sick Leave Note Date: [Insert Date] To Whom It May Concern, I am writing this letter to formally request a sick leave from work/school due to an unforeseen health issue that has necessitated my immediate attention and rest. My name is [Your Name], and I am currently employed a...
certificate for sick leave病假条; 词组短语 英语病假条A Sick Note 请假条请病假Asking for Sick Leave 乞假条请病假Ask 双语例句 1. Do you know anyone who can forge a sick note for me? 你知道谁可以帮我虚开一张病假条? —— 给力词典精选 ...
unit2seeing_a_doctor a sick leave note Writeasickleavenote.Writeasickleavenoteaccordingtothedirections.havea…;tellsbtodo/advisesbtodo;notgotoschooltoday;tomorrow;hope;getwell;thankyou Dear…I’msorrytotellyouthatI’mnotfeelingwelltoday.tookapackagetourtocheckedinatafour-starhotelThen…placesofhistorical...
B Write a sick-leave note to your teacher according to the given diagnosis.Dear Mr. Li,I'm sorry to tell you that ① I canno go to school today I had a high fever last night. This morning, I went to see a doctor. He told me I had caught ②the flu Diagnosis Results and asked...
文档标签: a A sick leave note Sick Note Leave see unit Writeasickleavenote. Writeasickleavenoteaccordingtothedirections. havea…;tellsbtodo/advisesbtodo;notgotoschooltoday;tomorrow;hope;getwell;thankyou Dear… I’msorrytotellyouthatI’mnotfeelingwelltoday. tookapackagetourto checkedinatafour-star...
A Sick Leave Note 中学生英语课外阅读阅读材料摘要:徐芳美河北省阜城县第三中学七年级张超河北省阜城县古城中学vip中学生英语
病假条A Sick Note To: Liu Yang From:Lynn Wang Date:May 2,20xx Subject: Sick Leave of Absence Dear Mr. Liu, Yesterday afternoon, I went swimming because of the hot weather. Unfortunately, I caught a cold and I felt a headache. This morning I went to see the doctor. He told me to...
病假条A Sick Note 导语:生病了就要请病假,那么用英语怎么请病假呢?下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! To: Liu Yang From:Lynn Wang Date:May 2,2012 Subject: Sick Leave of Absence Dear Mr. Liu, Yesterday afternoon, I went swimming because of the hot weather. Unfortu...