LipidHunter identifies phospholipids by high-throughput processing of LC–MS and shotgun lipidomics datasets. Anal. Chem. 89, 8800–8807 (2017). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Koelmel, J. P. et al. LipidMatch: an automated workflow for rule-based lipid identification using untargeted high...
Cholesterol binding to the A2AR at allosteric sites has been previously demonstrated by a high-resolution X-ray crystal structure (PDB ID 3EML)24. Computational work has further quantified allosteric cholesterol binding to the receptor surface35,36 and suggested a stabilizing effect on the apo-form...
To better understand how HGPS phenotypes were counteracted by NAT10 depletion, we performed selected biochemical analyses on mice at 9 and 12 weeks of age. While NAT10 depletion had no effects on parameters such as fat mass and cholesterol levels of progeria mice, it significantly normalized othe...
And just to be clear, cholesterol itself, whether transported by low-density lipoproteins (LDL) or high-density lipoproteins (HDL), is exactly the same.Cholesterol is simply a necessary ingredient that is required to be regularly delivered around the body for the efficient healthy development, main...
Microbiome-metabolome studies of the human gut have been gaining popularity in recent years, mostly due to accumulating evidence of the interplay between gut microbes, metabolites, and host health. Statistical and machine learning-based methods have been
Dudley-Brown S.A shor of good cholesterol:symthetic HDL,a new intervention for atherosclerosis[J].Cardiovasc Nurs,2004,19(6):421.Dudley-Brown, S. (2004). "A Shot of Good Cholesterol; Synthetic HDL, a New Intervention for Atherosclerosis." Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 19(6): 421^24....
Although the underlying effective ingredients contained in the wheat germ were not characterized fully, WGPs most likely played a key role because WGPs have been reported to decrease the serum concentration of total cholesterol and promote the expression of the low-density lipoprotein receptor (Liu ...
High-protein diet Probiotic Microbiome Older adult Prebiotic Research Snapshot Research Question: What is the impact of a high-protein diet, with and without prebiotic and probiotic supplements, on microbiota composition and general wellness in older women? Key Findings: In this randomized, double-bli...
(NPC intracellular cholesterol transporter 2), which has a role in lung lipid metabolism and is associated with Niemann–Pick disease characterized by alveolar proteinosis59, and the antioxidant enzyme genesmgst1(microsomal glutathioneS-transferase 1) andprdx1(peroxiredoxin-1) (Fig.2c). Increased ...
Modifying serum plant sterol concentrations: Effects on markers for whole body cholesterol metabolism in children receiving parenteral nutrition and intravenous lipids. Nutrients 2019, 11, 120. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Elvira-Torales, L.I.; García-Alonso, J.; Periago-Castón, ...