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“a shot in the arm”的字面意思是“给胳膊上打一针”,但在这里并非指实际的医疗行为,而是比喻性地表示某种能够给予人积极影响的因素。它强调的是一种外部的、突发的、能够带来正面效果的刺激或助力。 二、应用场景 个人激励:在个人生活中,当我们遇到挫折或困境时,一个来自朋友...
A shot in the arm 字面意思是“在手臂上进行皮下注射”,但是它的引申意思却是“令人精神振奋”,是不是有点意外呢?我们赶快来学习一下它的用法吧!例句1:Getting the promotion was really a shot in the arm for me. It came to me as a surprise.得到这次晋升实现令我兴奋剂。这对我来说是一个惊...
a shot in the arm【美】 1. 一杯威士忌(或其他烈性酒) 2. 麻醉剂注射 3. 兴奋剂;激励 the shot in the arm激励;鼓舞 shot in the arm【美】【俚】刺激因素;鼓励 The money was a shot in the arm for the company. 这笔钱给这家公司带来了活力。 Mom's phone call was ...
The doctor said, “You have a big problem. I will fix your problem.” The doctor gave Lucy a shot. He gave her a shot in her left arm. “Do you feel better now?” he asked her. “No,” she said, “now my left arm hurts a lot.”...
Life is boring! I desperately need a shot in the arm. Shall we go see a thriller tonight? 好无聊啊!我特别需要一些刺激。今晚咱们去看惊悚片如何? C I think this team really needs a shot in the arm, it really isn't performing well. ...
标题中的a shot in the arm,除了本身是个成语,指“刺激、激励”之外,还指”在胳膊上打上一针“的意思,打针的表达中,最通俗的就是shot".前两位译员处理成了“强心剂”,Candice译成了“强心针”,都把这两个意思都兼顾了,这是很棒的地方。 Waiver一般指豁免,但在专利行业,有专业豁免这个既定表达,所以译成豁免...
英[ə ʃɔt in ðə ɑ:m] 美[e ʃɑt ɪn ði ɑrm] 释义 n. 麻醉皮下注射,兴奋剂,刺激因素 实用场景例句 全部 The encouraging letter was likea shot in the arm. 这封鼓舞人心的信,宛如一服兴奋剂. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 ...