Palyi, A short course on Topological Insulators: band- structure topology and edge states in one and two dimensions, Lecture Notes in Physics, 919, 2016.J. K. Asboth, L. Oroszlany, and A. Palyi, A short course on topological insulators: Band structure and edge states in one and two ...
This course-based primer provides newcomers to the field with a concise introduction to some of the core topics in the emerging field of topological band insulators in one and two dimensions. The aim is to provide a basic understanding of edge states, bulk topological invariants, and of the bu...
This course-based primer provides newcomers to the field with a concise introduction to some of the core topics in the emerging field of topological insulators. The aim is to provide a basic understanding of edge states, bulk topological invariants, and of the bulk--boundary correspondence with ...
This course-based primer provides newcomers to the field with a concise introduction to some of the core topics in the emerging field of topological insulators. The aim is to provide a basic understanding of edge states, bulk topological invariants, and of the bulk--boundary correspondence with ...
Short course on topological insulators (a)Springer
神清气爽! | 终于理解A short course to topological insulators书中哈密顿量由实空间到k空间可以使用坐标的傅立叶变化这个观点了!原来这就是一种被动观点的操作(坐标改变,态不变),而主动观点的操作就是对波函数执行傅立叶变换(态改变,左边不变)。并且这还我解决了一个问题,为什么具有对称性的哈密顿量在PBC下...
Dirac and Weyl semimetals are a central topic of contemporary condensed matter physics, and the discovery of new compounds with Dirac/Weyl electronic states is crucial to the advancement of topological materials and quantum technologies. Here we show a w
we employ large-scale DMRG simulations to focus on the boundary topological physics of the LR model, which is entirely different from the LR transverse field Ising model under OBC (see Supplementary Note1). The details regarding the simulation are introduced in the Methods. We focus on the mode...
To summarize, starting from the oscillations of the VB triggered by an ultrashort laser pulse in a tr-ARPES experiment, we deduced the free energy governing the OP and its photo-induced dynamics on the basis of the time-dependent Landau equation. We identified the distinct contributions of latt...
We investigate the topological properties of a Kitaev ladder, i.e., a system made of two Kitaev chains coupled together by transversal hopping and pairing