Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that helps to realign a crooked septum. The septum, which is the bony portion that separates the two nostrils, may be crooked due to some type of malformation of the cartilage and the bone itself. This condition adversely affects the ability to breathe throug...
When a plant cell divides, a septum is formed by the migration of Golgi-derived vesicles along the microtubules of the phragmoplast toward the equatorial plane, where they fuse and form the cell plate [1]. In contrast, when an animal cell divides, an equatorial, actomyosin contractile ring...
A septum piercing is a type of nose piercing. Unlike most common types of nose piercings, which involve the outside of either one or both nostrils, a septum piercing is inside the piece of cartilage that separates the nostrils. Many people refer to these piercings as bull piercings because ...
We chose to use the term "interatrial communication" (IAC) rather than "atrial septal defect" because the sinus venosus and the coronary sinus defects, although being IAC, are not from an anatomic standpoint defects within the interatrial septum. 4. Anomalies of the atrioventricular junctions ...
A well-defined suture separates the nasal and the nasal process in the holotype (Fig. 3c), suggesting that this process is a distinct ossification and potentially not homologous with the extension of the nasal that forms the max- illae-nasal bar separating the external naris and the ant...
pharyngeal membrane, the heart tubes pass the pharynx laterally to join the paired dorsal aortas. In front of the heart, the primordium of the transverse septum forms as a shelf of thick mesoderm between the endoderm and the pericardial cavity (Supplemental Fig.14)....
A wall composed of fibrous and muscular parts, called the interatrial septum separates the right and left atriums (see FIGS. 2 to 4). The fibrous interatrial septum is, compared to the more friable muscle tissue of the heart, a more materially strong tissue structure in its own extent in...
will carry compounds with the appropriate volatility down the column into an interface where the compounds are cryogenically trapped and then injected into a second separation stage. The second stage, which consists of a conventional gas chromatograph, then separates the compounds that have been "extra...
A base is provided on the housing, the base configured to be secured to a septum that separates the local chamber from an adjacent chamber, the adjacent chamber having distal wall tissue, with respect to the local chamber that constitutes part of a conduction network of the adjacent chamber. ...
The reference electrode is inserted in insulative spacer 145, which separates the working electrode and the counter electrode. Preferably counter electrode 137 is situated in a substrate or plate opposing CNT working electrode 134 for electrical contact with a test fluid. The counter electrode ...