解析 B解析:本题为词汇题,主要考查考生根据上下文对单词sense的理解。根据第二段“A crab can sense when the tide is about to change (潮水要变化时,蟹会有知觉)”,我们可以判断选项B(感知)是正确的。而选项A(设想)、C(理解)和D(观察)都不符合题意。
Check () the sentence with the bolded word that makes bet sense.1. a. The girl's positive words made me feel better. b. We took the village out of the house.2. a. The calm girl yelled a lot. b. The team members asked Kate to represent them at the dinner.3. a. I was conten...
The meaning of the word“nice'changed a few times it finally came to include the sense“pleasant.“( )A. beforeB. afterC. sinceD. while
You've probably heard never to start a sentence with 'and,' but Merriam-Webster isn't a huge fan of that rule, and neither is history.
The meaning of AWARD is to confer or bestow as being deserved or merited or needed. How to use award in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Award.
Check(√)the sentence that makes the most sense according to the word.1. a. The girl's positive words made me feel better.口] b. A village is only for animals.2. a. The calm girl yelled a lot. b. The team members asked Kate to represent them at the dinner3. a. I was ...
解析 [答案]D. [答案]D[应试指导]词义猜想题。文章的第二段一直在讲人们开车时的视野问题,指出人们在开车过程中打 时或许是在盯着车外看,但却注意不到车外多达50%的事物。所以猜想vision在此是the sense of sight的意思,即“视觉〞。故D正确。.
IV.Replacetheunderlinedwordsorexpressionsinthefollowingsentenceswithwordsorexpressionsfromthetextthatbestkeeptheoriginalmeaning.1.Bythetimetheyreachedthesummit,theywereexhaustedbuttheywerealsorelievedtobethere.rundown 上一页下一页 V.Exercises--Vocabulary Back 2.Frommypointofviewhisideasshouldbetreatedinaserious...
It's one of the most notorious grammar peeves in the entire English language: the commandment that one shall not ever end a sentence with a preposition. But is it actually a rule that holds up? Hmm...
Most of us can see both, but not at the same time.我们大多数人都能看到这两者,但不是同时。...