They supported the war with a fierce patriotism. You may not agree with him politically, but no one can question his patriotism. Noory said he was called to the front by a sense of patriotism. Natalya Kushnir, ABC News, 27 July 2022 Mars is in Cancer, the sign of home — and the ...
“很多相 似” 不一致,故排除;C选项出现了 “all” 这个绝对词,很容 易出错, 而稳重提到patriotism的那句话是个for example, 更 肯定不是all的情况了,故排除;D选项说展示了不同的虚构 角色,这句话与原文第四段倒数第三行句意一致,但这句话 是针对patriotism这个细节人物而言的, 并不能代表整段话, 故本...
根据原文最后一段中的“But in the present organization of the Olympics there is far too much that encourages aggressive patriotism.(但是在当前的奥林匹克组织中存在着太多能够激发具有敌意的爱国情绪的东西。)”也可以得出正确答案为A。反馈 收藏
4The basketball example implied that ___. A.too much patriotism was displayed in the incidentB.the announcement to prolong the match was wrongC.the appeal jury was to hesitant in making the decisionD.the American team was right in rejecting their silver medals 5The basketball example implied...
Editor's note: Some say Beijing's new rule of "patriots governing Hong Kong" undermines democracy. CGTN's Wang Guan says "patriotism" rule for elected offices is not unique. Similar laws exist in the U.S. and Spain for example, and were invoked to put down riots and secessionist acts...
Paul Mamza
example of two friends, who are also students of English. My brother-in-law is a project manager of a Beijing-based solar company, but most of the time, he stays in the Philippines, helping the local people build solar power plants with ...
Patriotism is love and support of your country. An example of patriotism iswaving the flag proudly on your home. What is patriotism in simple words? :love for or devotion to one's countryAlthough poles apart ideologically, they are both unashamed of their patriotism.— ...
During a meeting in Beijing last month, President Xi commended Lee for his unwavering patriotism and his contributions to safeguard national security. President Xi also said that Hong Kong has returned from chaos to stability and is now at a critical moment of moving towards pros...
Ernst Janning is depicted as a fundamentally decent man who did horrible things for the Nazi regime in the name of patriotism. He knows what he did was wrong and is truly sorry for his loathsome actions. While his testimony shows how easily a democratic country with decent people like the ...