The widespread sedentary(久坐不动的) lifestyle has become a problem in America, fueling the rising obesity(肥胖) rate.Now a new study finds that being surrounded by active friends can help a person living a sedentary lifestyle get more exercise each day. Researchers found that people in social...
【题目】 A sedentary(久坐的)lifestyle has l ong been linked to poor health , and plenty of evidence suggests it may also have other effec ts . Previous research found associations betu een a lack of erercise and decline in character traits (), such as sense of duty, me asured 4 to ...
If I only went to work, yes, I would have a pretty sedentary life. I sit on the tube, I sit at my desk or in the studio for most of the day. But because I know that’s not good for my health, I do also like to go to ... problems caused by our sedentary lifestyles由于我们久坐不动的生活方式引起的健康问题 Life expectancy:the length of time that a person or animal is expected to live〔人或动物的〕预期寿命,平均(预期)寿命 shirker/ʃə:kə/someone who avoids doing something they don’t like, usually...
But heroes don't have to belife-savers. We sometimes describe a person with great intelligence or amazing abilities as 'our hero' - a musician maybe or an athlete. It's someone weadmireand look up to. Rob Well there's a man in Japa...
The widespread sedentary(久不的)lifestyle has become a problem in America, fueling the rising obesity(肥胖) rate.Now a new study finds that being surrounded by active friends can help a person living a sedentary lifestyle get more exercise each day.Researchers at the US Military Academy find ...
The widespread sedentary(久的)lifestyle has become a problem in America, fueling the rising obesity(肥胖) rate.Now a new study finds that being surrounded by active friends can help a person living a sedentary lifestyle get more exercise each day.Researchers found that people in social groups ...
Now Dan, would you say you had asedentarylifestyle at all? Dan If I only went to work, yes, I would have a prettysedentarylife. I sit on the tube, I sit at my desk or in the studio for most of the day. But becaus...
People often describe someone who has done something brave, such as saving someone's life, as a hero. Firefighters are sometimes described as heroes because they often risk their lives to save others. Finn But heroes don't have to belife-savers. We sometimes describe a person with great int...
According to a recent survey, how long does the average person in the UK spend sitting down every day? Is it:a) between 6 and 7 hoursb) between 7 and 8 hoursc) between 8 and 9 hoursListen to the programme to find out the answer....