The meaning of ABATE is to decrease in force or intensity. How to use abate in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Abate.
The meaning of ABET is to actively second and encourage (something, such as an activity or plan). How to use abet in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Abet.
We use the .| operator—a synonym for the fuse function—to compose these components into a pipeline. Then we run that pipeline with runConduit. From the perspective of mapC show, yieldMany [1..10] is its upstream, and mapM_C is its downstream. When we look at yieldMany [1..10]...
function parseTime(timeString) { if (timeString == '') return null; var d = new Date(); var time = timeString.match(/(\d+)(:(\d\d))?\s*(p?)/); d.setHours( parseInt(time[1]) + ( ( parseInt(time[1]) < 12 && time[4] ) ? 12 : 0) ); d.setMinutes(...
Here are the possibles values TABLE, VIEW, MATERIALIZED VIEW, SEQUENCE, PROCEDURE, FUNCTION, PACKAGE BODY, TYPE, SYNONYM, DIRECTORY. Only one object type is allowed at a time. For example set it to TABLE if you just want to export privilege on tables. You can use the -g option to ...
aAkshar Group, since its inception in 1986, has been a synonym for GOOD SERVICES in the electrical industry. Today after servicing the industry for more than 25years, it is a one stop solution for all INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL NEEDS – be it EPC projects (Switchyards and Transmission lines design...
The second sentence calls for systematic because the student is writing the paper with a clear plan. Tip 2: try using a synonym Which words can you substitute for systematic or systemic and still keep your intended meaning intact: methodical or extensive? If you can substitute methodical, you ...
On attempting a distinction between burlesque, or its synonym ridicule, and comedy, Fielding is rectifying what has been said by Locke about the ‘abuse of words’, which is manifested in a gap between word and things (see Simpson et al., 2018; Mooney et al., 2011; Hammudin, 2012): ...
Moreover, articles were considered irrelevant if they used leadership as a synonym of management, without differentiating aspects of leadership styles or behaviors. The second and third authors independently evaluated the articles that the first author had selected. The purpose of this additional step ...
and Donner et al.11introduced a recurrence method converting graphs from time-series based on the phase-space of a dynamical system. Amongst the existing methods, the natural visibility graph (NVG) or, in synonym, the visibility graph algorithm (VGA) of Lacasa et al.5seems to prevail in th...