"With his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge" – Psalms 91:4 ♡ #dailyquote #dailyverse #Scripture "Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility "Work so hard that one day your signature will be called an autograph" 🙏💗 Some #Capricorn #love #drive...
and the scripture for and the sixth book and the snuffers and and the son of moholi and the sons of israe and the sons of the p and the soul afraid o and the spirit is he and the sun stopped s and the temple which and the ten horns whi and the tennessee wal and the time and...
and what scripture sa and what they found w and whatever is done and when abram was ni and when he had taken and when he hath offe and when he sent you and when he went out and when i hold you c and when i see you cr and when i shall be w and when i turned i s and when...
Stay in close touch with afamily member and/or friend who can truly show compassionand help you the entire time you are ill with Mono. For me, since I am still not re-married, that meant not just pouring out my woes to my beloved elderly father every day but alsophone calls and Face...
Inside: Never underestimate the power a happy, peaceful home can have on your family, your community, and even the world! It’s a worthy pursuit, for sure! I recently found myself in a conversation about “world peace”, and my first thought was Sandra Bullock’s pageant speech from the...
Scripture tells us to rejoice because our problems are doing something very useful. The problems anxiety tries to convince us we need to outrun are often the very occurrences God uses as His method to build character in us. This character leads us to the hope we have in the gospel. And ...
Shall I turn my nose from His daily manna of Scripture, more eager to consume whatever the world chooses to feed my mind? Shall my love for Christ be so meager that I cannot continue in trust in this good and faithful Shepherd, who learned obedience through suffering (the likes of which...
Enjoy one of 6 different practices as you pause to spend around 5 minutes with God in the midst of your day. Lectio Divina - Listen for God’s message as you he…
In a time where peace feels tentative, Isaiah does something interesting in this verse. He uses the word shalom twice —shalom shalom— which the NIV translates asperfect peace. Not a fleeting calm or the mere absence of conflict, this iswholeness, security, and well-being—peace in itshighe...
Scripture lends a new light on contentment. My favorite passage on the topic is Philippians 4:11-13. The author, Paul, who certainly did not lead an easy life, states boldly, “I have learned to be contentwhatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what...