Screening for atrial fibrillation: a report of the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration. Circulation. 2017;135(19):1851-1867. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.026693 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 10. Jones NR, Taylor CJ, Hobbs FDR, Bowman L, Casadei B. Screening for...
A screening showed a high distress score of 8 on the distress thermometer (DT; see the “Measurements” section for questionnaire details; National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 2003). The patient reported problems on physical (including diarrhea, fatigue, memory, concentration, pain, sleep, and tin...
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the leading cause of preventable blindness worldwide. The risk of DR progression is highly variable among different individuals, making it difficult to predict risk and personalize screening intervals. We developed and validated a deep learning system (DeepDR Plus) to pre...
In this systematic review, we evaluated the temporal progression of clinical abnormalities experienced by patients who recovered from an infection with SARS-CoV-2, starting with a mean of 30 days post–acute illness and beyond. The results suggest that rates of PASC are indeed common; 5 of 10...
For ageing-associated systemic diseases, clinically relevant anatomical structures alter with both ageing43,44and disease progression19,20,22. RETFound was trained to identify general structure alterations for detection of systemic diseases (Extended Data Fig.6b). To further verify the extent to which...
Other patients reported having thought about the end of life and euthanasia in preparation for disease progression (n = 8). A patient explained: “In my head I was 100% sure of surviving because there still was a probability of treatment. I was there to survive.” (patient 12) Another ...
At the societal level, policies addressing early medical intervention, as well as screening campuses can limit disease progression (Figure 2). When interventions are aimed at preventing the progression of disease and development of disabilities, they are considered part of the standard care and ...
PURPOSE: Early diagnosis and management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may control disease progression. Screening for COPD using spirometry has been studied in the primary care and community settings but limitations remain with availability and quality of testing. Patients presenting at ...
New screening methods can be evaluated relative to the proven screening test (screening mammography being the comparator test for breast cancer) as a replacement for the comparator or as an incremental (additional) method, whereby the new test would only be carried out in those where the comparato...
Biomarkers offer a wide range of potential uses in cancer, including risk assessment, screening, differential diagnosis, prognosis, treatment outcome prediction, and monitoring disease progression [9]. Biomarkers can be prognostic or predictive; the former allows insight into the overall cancer outcome ...