Plainly speaking, scammers often want your phone number because it gives them a way to pry into your life. They might call or text you, trying to catch you off guard and get you to reveal some private information. Once they have that, they can use it to try to invade your online acc...
“1 in 3 Americans report falling victim to phone scams, with 20% more than once. Total losses to phone scams totaled $39.5 billion in the past 12 months.” In this guide, we’ll explain how scammers get your phone number, what to do once a scammer has your number, and ways to ke...
For example, a scammer might pretend to be someone’s relative who was recently put under arrest, saying that bail must be posted immediately and asking for a wire transfer. These calls can also pretend to be the police and say that you are under threat of arrest. Of course, no one ...
In this scam, a one-time password (OTP) verification code is sent via voice call to WhatsApp users by using a mobile carrier's automated service to forward calls to another number. These codes begin with a star or hash prefix (*#) followed by the scammer’s phone number. When you dia...
Tech-support scams often begin with an email or popup window alerting you that your computer has been infected with a virus and urging you to contact an email address or phone number for assistance. From there, the scammer will ask you to download software that allows them to take over ...
It’s super important to take precautions when online dating. Why?1 in 10 online profilesis a scammer, and 53% of online daters are exaggerating or lying in their profiles. To assess the safety of a potential Tinder date or Bumble meet-up, think about how you’d approach the situation....
*1: A PIN is a four-digit code sent to users via SMS when they register a phone number on their LINE account. Situation 2 - "I got an email claiming to be from LINE." It is likely a phishing email from a scammer who's posing as LINE. They may be trying to steal your account...
Sugar daddy scams are another type of romance scam, except the scammer pretends to be a rich benefactor looking for a “sugar baby” to whom they offer financial support in exchange for romantic involvement or companionship. But like other romance scams, the perpetrator aims to trick the victim...
By replying to a scammer's text message, you’re letting them know that your phone number is in use and active. This could lead to future scam attempts. Block the number, screenshot the message, delete it, and then report it.
Scam phone calls cost Americans $39.5 billion last year alone. Learn how to identify a scammer on the phone quickly so you don’t get scammed.