论证是一门学问(A Rulebook for Arguments) 作者:[美]安东尼·韦斯顿 著; 姜昊骞 译出版:天地出版社 2019.5版本:5定价:36.00 元ISBN-13:9787545536713ISBN-10:7545536711 去豆瓣看看 想要 拥有 10 + 100% 目录作者简介内容简介 《论证是一门学问》(第5版)是一本全面、实用、精炼、有趣、直击要害的论证...
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also need to be supplemented— with what this rulebook offers: simple rules for putting good arguments together. Too many students come out of "informal logic" courses knowing only how to shoot down (or at least at) selected fallacies. Too often they can't explain what is actually...
yestolife2011-07-16 00:49:47 —— 引自第115页 <前页12后页> >我来写笔记 >A Rulebook for Arguments 作者:Anthony Weston isbn:0872201562 书名:A Rulebook for Arguments 页数:32 定价:£2.79 出版社:Hackett Publishing Company 出版年:1992-11-16 装帧:Paperback...
We have made it easy for you to find a user manual without any digging. And by having access to our manual online or by storing it on your computer, you have convenient answers with A Rulebook for Arguments (Unknown Binding) by Anthony Weston. To get started finding A Rulebook for ...
18. Explain how cause leads to effect When we think that A causes B, we usually believe not only that A and B are correlated but also that it "makes sense" for A to cause B. Good arguments, then, do not just appeal to the cor- relation of A and B: they also explain why it ...
A Rulebook for Arguments是美国针对高中及大学本科生的argument入门书,给出了简略的论证文章写作要点,风格简明,内容全面,好处在于深入浅出,逻辑清晰,对于长篇论证,指导或嫌不足。然而对于入门者,仍然不失为一个好的开始。 书中的 "Arguments" 不是常常引发不快的争吵、争论,而是用论据支持某个观点的尝试(Arguments...