艾米丽小姐的两个表妹(Miss Emily’s two female cousins) 甚至比艾米丽小姐更傲慢,这些表兄弟从阿拉巴马州来到杰斐逊,与艾米丽小姐一起生活,并监督她的行为,大概是为了确保她在她和霍默浪漫地交往时不会违反南方社会的严格礼仪守则。 史蒂文斯法官(Judge Stevens) 杰斐逊市长在萨托里斯之后的一段时间,史蒂文斯法官收到...
a rose for Emily 分析二献给爱米丽的玫瑰暗示南方的腐朽没落福克纳素以长篇小说著称于世但其短篇小说无论艺术构思意境创造人物塑造抑或语言风格结构艺术等均可与其长篇小说互论短长而其最著名的短篇之一献给爱米丽的玫瑰emily则对理解研究福克纳的主要作品即约克纳帕塔法世系具有十分重要的意义 A Rose for Emily的评析(...
A Rose for Emily 章节分析 “ARoseforEmily”Thejumbledchronologyisstructuredlikea‘gossipstory.’Eachsectionisdesignedforthereadertomakea judgmentofEmily SectionI PeopletalkabouthowEmilyhasn’tpaidhertaxes Shehasbeenshelteredherwholelifebyherdad ColonelSartoris(mayor)knewhewouldn’tgettaxesfrom...
A-Rose-for-Emily主题分析 Noveltitles:ARoseforEmily Chinesename:《献给艾米丽的一朵玫瑰花》也译作《纪念艾米丽的一朵玫瑰花》Publishedtime:InApril1930Author:WilliamFaulkner威廉·福克纳 Birthplace:MississippiintheUnitedStates美国密西西比州(美国南部)FaulknerwasborninadecliningaristocracyfamilyinthesouthernUnitedStates,...
A Rose for Emily 英文分析及简评“A Rose for Emily” is divided into five sections. The first section opens with a description of theGriersonhouse inJefferson. The narrator mentions that over the past 100 years, Miss EmilyGrierson’shome has fall into disrepair and become “an eyesore among ...
a rose for emily 解析 ARoseforEmily ByWilliamFaulkner Theauthor TheThemesThePlotsTheBackground Author WilliamCuthbertFaulkner(bornFalkner,September25,1897–July6,1962),alsoknownasWillFaulkner,wasanAmericanwriterandNobelPrizelaureatefromOxford,Mississippi.Faulknerworkedinavarietyofwrittenmedia,includingnovels,short...
A_rose_for_Emily_分析(人物_象征_背景)A rose for Emily This story happens after the American Civil War, in Jefferson Town. It’s a story about an eccentric spinster named Emily Grierson whose marriage is totally manipulated by her father. Two years after her father’s death, poor Emily ...
Though A Rose for Emily is a short story, there are many layers to the tale including historical context and an analysis of the repercussions of the Civil War. If you need any assistance with A Rose For Emily characters analysis or help with any kind of homework, the experts at Studyfy ...
内容提示: A Rose for Emily 的评析 (2010-06-21 23:49:34)▼ 标签: 文化 威廉.福克纳和他的《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》 摘要:福克纳把南方的历史和现实社会作为自己创作源泉而成为美国南方文学的代表。《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》通过爱米丽的爱情悲剧揭示了新旧秩序的斗争及没落贵族阶级的守旧心态,福克纳运用神秘、暗语、...
Structural analysis of Rose for Emily is exploring the plot, setting, characters, and conflict of that story. The aim of this study is exploring structure of Short Story 'Rose for Emily is written by William Faulkner' in 1930. Method of this study is descriptive qualitative method. Data were...