A Room with a View: Directed by James Ivory. With Maggie Smith, Helena Bonham Carter, Denholm Elliott, Julian Sands. Lucy Honeychurch shares a brief romance with George Emerson in Florence. Yet as she tries to move on with her life and look for marriage
夫人在信上特别提到过: "会有相连而且景色宜人的窗户" The signora wrote: "South rooms with a view, close together". 现在不但没有景色可言而且又离得这么远 Instead of which, we have north rooms without a view and far apart. 我们得快点打扮,否则会迟到,这顿晚餐是很重要的 Hurry and get dressed...
We did feel so sorry for you in the dining room. -爱默森先生太无礼了-但他是好意 - Mr. Emerson is so tactless. - But he meant to be kind. 那位先生想将景色好的房♥间让给我们 This old gentleman and his son offered us their rooms with a view. 他真是无礼 It was most indeli...
We did feel so sorry for you in the dining room. - 爱默森先生太无礼了 - 但他是好意 - Mr. Emerson is so tactless. - But he meant to be kind. 那位先生想将景色好的房♥间让给我们 This old gentleman and his son offered us their rooms with a view. 他真是无礼 It was ...
看得见风景的房间 A Room with a Viewdirector:詹姆斯·伊沃里 writer:鲁丝·普罗厄·贾布瓦拉 / E·M·福斯特 Edward Morgan Forster cast:玛吉·史密斯 / 海伦娜·伯翰·卡特 / 丹霍姆·艾略特 / 朱利安·山德斯 / 西蒙·卡洛 / 帕特里克·戈弗雷 / 朱迪·丹奇 / 法比亚·德雷克 / 琼·亨利 / 阿曼达·沃克 ...
A Room with a View《看得见风景的房间(1985)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,片名:看得见风景的房hearts;间 这不像是我们所期待的那个地方 This is not the tower that what we were led to expect. 我还以为我们又可以看到亚诺河了 I thought we were again to see the Arno
「看得見風景的房間A ROOM WITH A VlEW」港譯「翡冷翠之戀」。1985年英國拍攝,說的是在弗羅倫薩和英格蘭 發生的一位上流社會Lady與毛燥而無畏的中下階級少年之間的愛情。印象深刻的首先是翡冷翠美麗風景。翡冷翠!多麼肉麻的譯名!翻譯者要有多麼柔軟的心謙卑而熱烈地愛著這城,才會寫下這美妙的三個字!此外,第二...
答: 看得见风景的房间 A Room with a View[电影解说]😐🖇😡是由詹姆斯·伊沃里执导,玛吉·史密斯,海伦娜·伯翰·卡特,丹霍姆·艾略特,朱利安·山德斯,西蒙·卡洛,帕特里克·戈弗雷领衔主演。电影解说 。该剧于1985在腾讯、爱奇艺、天龙新视觉影视电影网、优酷、等平台同步播出。 4、问:哪个平台可以免费看《看得...
A Room With a View is a film directed by James Ivory with Helena Bonham Carter, Maggie Smith, Denholm Elliott, Julian Sands ... Year: 1985. Original title: A Room With a View. Synopsis: Helena Bonham Carter stars as a young Englishwoman, Lucy Honeychurc
A Room with a View | 1985 20世纪英国小说巨匠E·M·福斯特最重要的代表作之一,亦是他最为优美、清新的自由爱情篇章。一位出身英国书香之家的大家闺秀露西在佛罗伦萨旅行时,遇到英国青年乔治,乔治对她的倾慕令...