In an exploration task, the robot faces an unknown environment. Of course one could test the algorithm in different real-world scenarios, but a competitive strategy must have good performance in any environment that can be systematically constructed inside a simulator. This paper presents an ...
主动探索在一些文献中也被称为自动 SLAM (automatic SLAM) [34,35]、自主 SLAM (autonomous SLAM) [36-38]、自适应并行建图与定位(adaptive CML) [4]、SPLAM(同步规划、定位和建图Simultaneous Planning, Localization and Mapping)[39] 或机器人探索(robot exploration) [40]。 ASLAM in Different Research F...
主动探索在一些文献中也被称为自动 SLAM (automatic SLAM) [34,35]、自主 SLAM (autonomous SLAM) [36-38]、自适应并行建图与定位(adaptive CML) [4]、SPLAM(同步规划、定位和建图Simultaneous Planning, Localization and Mapping)[39] 或机器人探索(robot exploration) [40]。 ASLAM in Different Research F...
主要目的是减轻算法随机探索所耗费的大量训练时间。 自适应探索 (auto-adjusting exploration strategy) 指的是基于底层策略的学习情况好坏,对其探索行为进行调整,使其在面对掌握得好的子目标时减少随机探索,反过来则增加探索。这个方法也是受启发于人类的学习行为,我们在面对已熟悉的任务时并不会多做无意义的随机探索。...
The paper also aims to extend existing exploration and mapping techniques of single robot to multi-robot to increase the exploration efficiency (i.e. to reduce the environment exploration time required). The goal of the proposed method is to have multiple mobile robots exploring a given unknown ...
We leverage the Lunar South Pole resource exploration rover simulation environment from the NASA Space Robotics Challenge to propose a human-robot teaming strategy for fast teleoperation. We explore the applicability to mission scenarios by defining the roles and sharing of responsibilities between the hu...
In this paper, region exploration path planning algorithm is proposed. In order for a mobile robot to perform this task, appropriate measures with the shape of the working environment, which may be intricate or curved, is necessary. In addition, a robot must be able to react and be flexible...
This algorithm called the Retrieval RRT Strategy (RRS) combines a support vector machine (SVM) and RRT and plans the robot motion in the presence of the change of the surrounding environment. This algorithm consists of two levels. At the first level, the SVM is built and selects a proper ...
This framework represents a pivotal shift from conventional trial-and-error methods toward a more efficient, data-driven, and risk-aware strategy for harnessing the potential of nanomaterials in industries. By integrating factors such as material properties, cost-effectiveness, environmental considerations,...
case study on distribution strategy through biclustering [Paper] semi-supervised flexible joint distribution adaptation [Paper] analysis of the modified weibull distribution for estimation of wind speed distribution [Paper] l-shift: encoding and shifting material properties and functionalities with phas...