普莱斯的纽扣象征着他的辛勤工作和努力,这反过来又直接代表了他的伦理和道德。 【参考资料】O. Henry(欧·亨利)《A Retrieved Reformation》《重获新生》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ———
亚当斯先生是个典型的,勤恳的乡间银行家,他很器重斯潘塞。安娜贝尔非但爱他,并且为他骄傲。他在亚当斯家和安娜贝尔的已经出嫁的姊姊家里都很受欢迎,仿佛他已是他们家的成员了。 一天,吉米坐在他的房间里写了如下的一封信,寄往他在圣路易斯的一个老朋友的可靠的地址: 亲爱的老朋友: 我希望你在下星期三晚上九点...
重新做人(A_retrieved_Reformation)_by_欧亨瑞(O[1]._Henry).doc,中文翻译: 《重新做人》 (选自《命运之路》) 看守来到监狱制鞋工场,吉米·瓦伦汀正在那里勤勤恳恳地缝着鞋帮。看守把他领到前楼办公室。典狱长把当天早晨州签署的赦免状给了吉米。吉米接过来时有几分厌烦的
本文以O. Henry 的短篇小说《A Retrieved Reformation》的教学为例,探究以提问为“支架”,激活层层思维的教学设计和教学实施。 1. 教学分析 O. Henry的短篇小说《A Retrieved Reformation》,讲述了美国一个装备精良、手法高超的小偷吉米,出狱之后重犯了几件利落不留痕的保险箱大案,并隐姓埋名来到一个小镇继续这份事业。
A RETRIEVED REFORMATION(梗概) (朗读材料请戳文末“阅读原文”处) 作者: 欧·亨利 朗读者: 高一(7) 王羽婷 Safecracker Jimmy Valentine is released from prison after serving less than ten months of a four year sentence, due to his criminal connections. ...
retrievedreformation欧亨利jimmy秋雨warden 欧亨利a-retrieved-reformation秋雨天气疯狂的热了几天后,终于安静了下来。秋雨悄悄的来了,绵绵的,洋洋洒洒,一下就是好几天,窗外依然滴滴哒哒的响着,看来是没有停下来的意思。绵绵的秋雨,带来了丝丝的凉意,不喜欢这样的天气,灰色的天空,没有的以往的清澈和透明,看着街上来往...
a retrieved reformation 歧路重生;浪子回头;重获新生 .--- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
"A Retrieved Reformation" . In the prison shoe-shop, Jimmy Valentine was busily at work making shoes. A prison officer came into the shop, and led Jimmy to the prison office. There Jimmy was given an important paper. It said that he was free. Jimmy took the paper without showing much ...
A Retrieved Reformation by O. Henry A guard came to the prison shoe-shop, where Jimmy Valentine was assiduously stitching uppers, and escorted him to the front office. There the warden handed Jimmy his pardon, which had been signed that morning by the governor. Jimmy took it in a tired ki...
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