The objective of the project is to design, build and test a harvesting system for short rotation forestry. The system to be capable of cutting and processing a wide range and type of trees, work on a wide range of terrains from peatlands to sloping ground, be flexible and mobile. A ...
在SPSS的两配对样本T检验,如何分析检验结果Paired Samples Statistics Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error MeanPair 1 B1=±æÈÏ¾É´Ê 89.7500 40 9.67087 1.52910 B2=±æÈÏÐÂ
待分类 > 待分类 > I--GPS60-60 micro; Atilde; divide; Ecirc; eacute;-60 ordm; Iacute;map60 ordm; Iuml; Iacute; frac14;-第一章 序言.下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 I--GPS60-60 micro; Atilde; divide; Ecirc; eacute;-60 ordm; Iacute;map60 ordm; Iuml; Iacute; frac14;-第一章 序言...
Riéra, B., Pélissier, R., Houllier, F. (1998) Caracterisation d’une mosaïque forestiere et de sa dynamique en forêt tropicale humide sempervirente. Biotropica 30: pp. 251-260Rie´ ra B., Pe´ lissier R. and Houllier F. 1998. Caracterisation d'une mosai¨ que forestiere ...
Site-specific PSM length, along with Gleason grade and lymph node status, can be predictive of BCR and assist in risk stratification of patients with PSM following radical prostatectomy.Mark HsuSteven L ChangMichelle FerrariRosalie NolleyJoseph C Presti JrJames D BrooksPsicologia Saú...
Hootele, C.UNIVERSITÉ LIBRE DE BRUXELLES Service de Chimie Organique Faculté des Sciences 50, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt Bruxelles 5 (Belgique)Braekman, J. C.UNIVERSITÉ LIBRE DE BRUXELLES Service de Chimie Organique Faculté des Sciences 50, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt Bruxelles 5 (Belgique)...