多维阅读第8级—A Real Tree House 树屋生活.pptx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 ARTREEHOUSE-多维阅读第8级走进这座生机勃勃的木质树屋,感受大自然的恬静与舒适。这里融合了现代科技与传统木艺,为住户带来全新的生活体验。OabyOOOOOOOOO 什么是树屋?自然环境树屋通常建在高大的树木...
A Real Tree House 树屋生活 选自《多维阅读第8级》 收藏 分享 下载 举报 用客户端打开
A Real Tree House树屋生活选自多维阅读第8级treehousetree houseice creamice creamfruitshopfruit shopWhat do you know from the coverDo
tree+house=treehouseice+cream=icecreamfruit+shop=fruitshop Doyouthinkpeoplereallyliveinthesehouses?Whatisarealtreehouse?Wherearethey?HowIwouldlovetoliveinatreehouse,way,wayuplikeabirdinanest.Iliveinastreetwhereit’stidyandneat,andIalwayshavetowipemyfeet!But…thatwouldn’tbe,ifIliveinatree!Iliveina...
tree+house=treehouseice+cream=icecreamfruit+shop=fruitshop Doyouthinkpeoplereallyliveinthesehouses?Whatisarealtreehouse?Wherearethey?HowIwouldlovetoliveinatreehouse,way,wayuplikeabirdinanest.Iliveinastreetwhereit’stidyandneat,andIalwayshavetowipemyfeet!But…thatwouldn’tbe,ifIliveinatree!Iliveina...
A Real Tree House 树屋生活 选自《多维阅读第8级》 tree house += tree house ice cream += ice cream fruit shop += fruit shop Do you think people really live in these houses? What is a real tree house? Where are they? How I would love to live in a tree house, way, way up like ...
多维阅读--A Real Tree House 75 2023-02 3 多维阅读--The Battle to Breathe 20 2023-01 4 多维阅读--The Junk Raft Journey 53 2023-01 5 多维阅读--Knut A Pet or Not? 82 2023-01 6 多维阅读--Mister Rooster 47 2023-01 7 多维阅读--Moon Mouse ...
1 多维阅读第八级 Tilly's Tantrum 232022-06 2 多维阅读第8级 Rubbish in the River 132022-06 3 多维阅读第8级A Real Tree House 142022-05 4 多维阅读打赌 I dare you 222022-04 查看更多 猜你喜欢 7641 多维阅读,第1级 by:旋风跑兔 7799 多维阅读第五级 by:Kyle_s_corner 1万 多维阅读第四级 by...
tree house + = treehouse ice cream + = icecream fruit shop + = fruitshop Doyouthinkpeoplereallyliveinthesehouses? Whatisarealtreehouse? Wherearethey? HowIwouldloveto liveinatreehouse, way,wayup likeabirdinanest. Iliveinastreet whereit’stidy ...
“When I built my first tree house as an adventurous boy, the way in which I built the structure ultimately contributed to the decline of the tree which eventually needed to be cut down,” says Kemp. “Lessons learned! Trees are living organisms and can sustain a limited amount of stress...