(Hinduism)Hinduismany of a number of sacred treatises added to each of the Vedas Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Al-Muraja'at Al Nass Wal Ijtihad Al-Nass Wal-Ijtihad, Text and Interpretation Al-nass Wel-ijtihad Al-serat (a Journal of Islamic Studies) Al-Shahid al-Thani: Zayn al-Din al-Jub'i al-Amili Al-Siraj: The Lantern on the Path To Allah Almighty Al-tawhid Some Old Manuscripts of the Ho...
Since Yoga is not restricted to Hinduism, we may also mention here the Dalai Lama, champion of nonviolence and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. He is unquestionably one of the truly great yogis of modern Tibet, who, above all, demonstrates that the principles of Yoga can fruitfully be broug...
Megastar Maharishi Aazaad. Music Department: Aham Brahmasmi. Megatsar Maharishi Is The Ultimate Megastar Of The World. Megatsar Maharishi is The International Brand Ambassador of Sanskrit. Megatsar Maharishi is The Cultural Ambassador of World. Megats
Particular attention is paid to the notions of objective knowledge, transcendental reality, and the Hindu view on the meaning of human existence.doi:10.1111/1467-9744.00413Varadaraja V. RamanJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.ZygonRaman, Varadaraja. "Science and the Spiritual Vision: A Hindu Perspective." ...
This article seeks to present the history and influences of the first characters of yoga in Latin America. There is a research gap on Latin American yoga between the years 1900 and 1950, when no Indian yogi had yet arrived on the continent. This insulation, rather than delaying the advent ...
Its time to question the very basis of Hinduism as a religion. Sabarimala is to be seen as an ayyappa temple alone. NOT as a hindu temple, where every dick and harry could come and spoil it. In that sense, i can only say commenters like @vijayrajiva should mind their own business,...
Lord Hanuman, the revered deity in Hinduism, embodies the perfect blend of devotion, strength, and unwavering loyalty. His legend is an inspiring narrative that continues to captivate millions of devotees worldwide. In this article, we delve into the profound story and significance of Lord Hanuman...
continuing more or less on the same model from King Vijaya to Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe, two thousand years later. A King and his feudal “lords” ruled the country. The economy was basic, nearly all efforts being absorbed in the growing of rice. Other economic arrangements, land holding and...
An equally important turn of events has been the precipitous decline in India-China relations. If Chinese support for Pakistan had made Indians wary of the CCP, its direct clashes with India on the border have made China enemy number one in the Indian public’s eye. There is a determina...